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The Quest of a Giant Gourami.......

by DJ Ashley



Hello there, My name is Oscar. I am a (very large) Giant Gourami. As you know, Gouramis can't write, so I've had a little help with my article from my new Mum, Ashley.

I'd better have some manners, and tell you a bit about myself. I am a fine silver chap with a big pink face, I may not be handsome, but I've got bundles of character. Giant Gouramis are very interesting fish, and I am no exception! I measure almost 22 inches in length, and around 12 inches in height.

As fishies go, I'm a bit of a whopper! As you can imagine, I eat a fair bit of food. I like the odd bit of veg. including cauliflower and broccoli (it's not that I'm a health freak, I'm just a hungry divil that likes a bit of variety!) I have also tried to eat the two red tailed sharks in my tank, but little blighters are a little bit too quick for me and they keep diving back into their castle. They like to wind me up by peeping out the windows, as they know my mouth is way too big to reach in there.

I decided to enter this competition in the hope that someone out there can help me find a new Aquarium. My last owner couldn't keep me, so my new mum adopted me. I was supposed to come with my last home, which was a grand big tank. It measured five feet by two by two. I was very happy there, and had the place all to myself! Bliss....

Unfortunately, things went a bit pear shaped, and my home dissappeared, leaving me out in the cold. I was sent away to be minded for a while, and ended up stuck in a big blue plastic holding cell with an Alligator fish and a few small Koi. The Alligator fish and I did not get on very well - he kept sticking his pointy nose into my affairs, and I couldn't help bumping him with my big bottom lip. (accidentally on purpose, of course!!) I am a lot bigger than him, and I had to show the old sod who was boss!

As you can imagine, I found it a bit hard to share my space with a flatmate who had a face like a shovel, and I didn't like him one bit. This did not go down too well with those who were minding me, and I was asked politely to leave. Hence the predicament I am now faced with as I keep growing, and I am growing rather fast! (picture a turkey in a canary cage....D'ya get the picture?)

My new Mum loves me, and has tried to make me at home. However, I am a really big chap, and although her Aquarium is a good size, I could do with a bigger one very soon.

I am hoping that by entering this competition, I could introduce myself to you all, and find out if there is anyone out there with a big old tank they no longer need so I could get a bit more living space. It doesn't have to be fancy or furnished, just spacious enough for me to live comfortably. Hopefully, it will be reasonably priced too.

I like to get excited when someone comes into the room, and splash my tail to get attention from my "Human Pets". It would be lovely for me to have the space to show off to my full potential, as I am a real poser at heart.

I think I'm a Really lucky chap and I hope I win a prize, so I can get my huge jaws on some really nice treats from The kind folks at "The Fish Bowl" in Lucan!

Anyhow folks, Ive asked my new Mum to send you a picture of me so you will see what I mean about my being a really, REALLY BIG fellow.  If anyone out there can help me find a larger Aquarium, I would be delighted.

Sending you all a big splashy hug,
Yours truly,
OSCAR, the Giant Gourami, in Wexford.XXX.



© – October 2008