Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Spawn Spawn Spawn

30 Jun 2010 19:00 #1 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
Hi folks ... quick question in the hope that i will get the usual good advice i always get here ... Well i did a 30% water change in my small tank yesterday . About 2 weeks ago i bought a breeding pair of Kribs in seahorse ( sorry again xeon for takin the parents away from their eggs ) and when i got in this evening from work i noticed they have spawned for me .

They are the only fish in the tank apart from a small pleco and 2 baby brichardi that managed to hide from the net when i cleared that tank out before the show a few weeks back .

My questions are , 1. Like the brichardi i bred before , will the parents take care of the fry ( if they hatch that is ) or will i have to seperate them once hatching commences ?
2. Am i lookin at 2-3 days before hatching or longer ??

Thanx in advance for the help folks . Will keep ya posted on any progress


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30 Jun 2010 19:12 #2 by fishmad1234 (Craig Coyle)
a mate of mine bred them not to long ago and as far as i rember the parents did look after the fry the only problem was other fish in the tank trying to get a snack now thats as far as i know i could be wrong tho

at the end of the day it becomes nite

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30 Jun 2010 19:12 - 30 Jun 2010 19:26 #3 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
My Suggestion re separating is to do so after they have brought the Fry to a point where they are beginning to leave the parents. This will give the female a chance to regain her full strength, I have lost females on many occasions like this because the male will drive her endlessly to re spawn.


Last edit: 30 Jun 2010 19:26 by stretnik (stretnik).

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30 Jun 2010 19:20 #4 by Denis (Denis Goulding)
Well i have bred kribs many many many times. They are prolific breeders. The first time they bred they were in a community cichlid tank,, I had about a 12 fry survive, when i put them in their own tank they bred well,, The only problem was that they would not stop,,,so under advice i left the fry that are now adults with he parents and no more spawning..
Parents are brilliant and have found only one bad pair amung several parent pairs i have had,,
Any problems i would be happy to help..just pm me.

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30 Jun 2010 19:31 #5 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
see ... i knew the help would arrive ... lol .... cheers guys , guess i'll just have to wait and see how things go . they spawned inside a small length of pvc pipe that i had in the bottom of the tank ... and the mother is protecting her clutch of golden/orange coloured eggs very well at the moment ... so fingers crossed

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30 Jun 2010 19:48 #6 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn

If things go well, I hope they do, you should try African Blockheads, I had a Ball raising these, they behave like Kribs in their parental skills, they lead them all over the Tank and I mean they went everywhere, herding them up on top of an internal Filter, on top of wood, Leaves..everywhere! and this was in a Community Tank, never, to my knowledge lost a single fry.

Watching the parents signal and the kids all drop, heads down and static still, waiting for the all clear.......cool...


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30 Jun 2010 19:51 - 30 Jun 2010 19:53 #7 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
cheers kev ... gotta admit i have seen them before and was always interested . although , if this spawn is successful then it wil be my second successful spawn ever . the brichardi i had in the same tank before were very prolific breeders but other than them i have never had much success . loadsa spawns but no hatchings

So at the moment i'm very excited to see wot might happen
Last edit: 30 Jun 2010 19:53 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy). Reason: bad grammar

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30 Jun 2010 23:02 #8 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
You'll find the Kribs to be every bit as good parents - probably even first time - as the Brichardi.

A good choice for a 'new' Cichlid to breed.
Get the Brine Shrimp going in time for when the fry are free-swimming, they'll almost grow while you watch!
But, woe betide when the male decides it's 'next time' as he could likely dispose of the current fry (if given the chance) it seems to me that the parental instinct is always stronger in females than males.
That's one respect where breeding Kribs and Brichardi differ with the latter they'll just breed again and almost totally ignore existing young and they, in turn, almost completely ignore the newcomers - indeed, I've read of previous generations forming a 'family group' and lending a hand to protect and even help feed them!
Not that I have ever seen that dedication from them personally but it has been documented often enough to probably be true.
Work away at it with the Kribs, it really is hardly rocket science, but a good stepping-stone to
less-easily-bred Cichlids.

N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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01 Jul 2010 01:21 #9 by Xeon (ioan micu)
Don't worry about the egg's you left when you got the parents Martin, they are 50-60 healty, fat, small fry now.

The parent's whould take care of the fry, but as you have a small pleco in there I whould try to keep a small light on at night.

The hatch time really depends on temperature, but i'll say you have a week from when they laid the eggs untill the day they will be able to feed. It was even longer for the Pelvicachromis subocellatus i have.

If you are around this week drop over for some brine shrimp.

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01 Jul 2010 11:23 #10 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
i could search online all day and night for information on these but i gotta say , nothin beats the expert advice here on the forum . Thanx again for all the info guys and for all the offers of held

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01 Jul 2010 12:24 #11 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
Don't forget, I'm holding a pair of the 'Double Reds' (same as the ones I had at the Show) for you - anytime you want them we can meet at Castletroy.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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01 Jul 2010 16:21 #12 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
thanx john , haven't forgotten , just up to my fins with work lately . I will be in touch , don't worry about that

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01 Jul 2010 16:30 #13 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
No worries - when you're ready so will they be.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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01 Jul 2010 21:56 #14 by Denis (Denis Goulding)
I raised all mine on crushed flake and pellet, then moved onto brine shrimp when i mastered the hatching process, took a while. But since sea horse has em u have no worries now.

p.s. always wanted blockheads , seen some today for the first time in ages... Might experiment...

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02 Jul 2010 08:43 #15 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
well the latest update is that this morning all the eggs are still lookin healthy , none have turned white so far . Gettin quite excited now to be honest and i'm hoping to see the signs of hatching this evening or tomorrow . The female is still protecting them all so my fingers are still crossed , which actually makes typing this quite difficult . Lol

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02 Jul 2010 09:04 #16 by Viperbot (Jason Hughes)
Good stuff Martin, when you unlock your fingers get that camera warmed up :) .


Location: Finglas, North Dublin.

may not be the party we hoped for, but while we
are here we might as well dance.

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02 Jul 2010 13:26 #17 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
will do jay . Only reason i haven't so far is because i don't wanna stress out the female while she's on guard duty , but as soon as they are free swimmin i will

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02 Jul 2010 17:40 #18 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)

the eggs are in the bottom of the tube on the left .................. came home this evening from work and noticed all the eggs had moved ..... they were no longer bunched together like they have been but instead were scattered everywhere inside the pipe .

Upon closer inspection i noticed that alot of the eggs were wriggling .....so far its lookin good anyway


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02 Jul 2010 18:51 #19 by dar (darren curry)
congratulations my good man, you've done your fish proud

Check out the angling section, it is fantastic

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02 Jul 2010 19:37 - 02 Jul 2010 19:38 #20 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
small bit closer

Last edit: 02 Jul 2010 19:38 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy). Reason: forgot the bloody picture

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03 Jul 2010 13:38 #21 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
quick vid guys .... you can just see some of the wrigglers and mother being very protective of them . she kept pickin them up in her mouth any time i came near the front of the glass and carrying them back into the pipe before spitting them out again


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03 Jul 2010 14:14 #22 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
Very good,
You'll definitely be entering in next year's Breeders Class at the Show, then?


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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03 Jul 2010 14:23 #23 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
was kinda thinkin the same john to be honest ... but lets get them past wriggler stage first .. lol

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04 Jul 2010 11:57 #24 by Denis (Denis Goulding)
Kribs are great fish, u will have a good survival rate as they are great parents, just feed mum every now and again

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07 Jul 2010 08:33 #25 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
ok so the latest update is this morning i have a group of free swimming fry . Mother and father were taking care of them brilliantly . I'll put up some pics or vids later this evening or tomorrow

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07 Jul 2010 09:41 #26 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
I take it you have the brineshrimps 'brewing' by now?

Good news that they reached the free-swimming stage. You know, it's quite funny really - when I was a lad (many moons ago now) Kribs were considered some of the 'harder' of the Dwarf Cichlids to breed, the rumour probably spread by the people who had realised that, in actual fact, they were a bit of a doddle and were keeping that fact to themselves! Mind you, in those days just about all the more 'exotic' tropicals still came from the wild so in all probability they were harder to coax into spawning than the mass-produced ones we see now - Angels being another perfect example of this.

Anyway, I digress, well done getting them this far - and don't forget the video when you have time.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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07 Jul 2010 19:39 #27 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
well by the time i got home from workthis evening ..... the female decided she didn't wanna come out of her cave , so here's a really quick vid i shot this morning b4 work . I'll get longer footage tomorrow


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07 Jul 2010 21:16 #28 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
I like the way the male is keeping his head down - out of the way. Mostly I have found the female Krib takes over all parental duties and woe betide the poor male if he comes too close!
If this continues it might be as well to isolate him for his own good.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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07 Jul 2010 21:20 #29 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
to be honest John , that video was shot this morning within about 2 minutes of the lights coming on in the tank m soi i reckon he's probably just still asleep . lol

this evening he was swimming around outside the flower pot which the female had moved the fry into , and he was keepin guard from anything that moved

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07 Jul 2010 21:22 #30 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re:Spawn Spawn Spawn
That's good then - a combined effort!


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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