Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Whitespot Diaster

30 Nov 2007 14:52 #1 by CJC (Ciaran Curran)
Added a Regal Tang into tank a couple of weeks ago and the little £^%£\"*:angry: had whitespot. Subsequently it been a fairly new setup I lost Lipstick Tang, 4 Clown Fish,Midas Blenny,Algae Blenny and the Regal itself. What a bummer!! Invested in a UV filter and back to the drawing board.On the positive side I added a calcium reactor and the Corals are doing great.

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30 Nov 2007 14:56 #2 by Vincent (Vincent)
Replied by Vincent (Vincent) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster

Try Oodinex,,,,I put a posting on this a while ago about it,,,think its a miracle cure,,,


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30 Nov 2007 14:58 #3 by CJC (Ciaran Curran)
Tks, yes i put oodinex into tanks afetr event and the rest of the lads seem ok - \"You live and Learn\":)

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30 Nov 2007 15:39 #4 by Didihno (Didihno)
Replied by Didihno (Didihno) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
Fresh water baths are a better miracle cure.
Marine WS gets cleared off the fish almost straight away and then oodinex the fook out of your tank.
I had recent experience with this and lost 2 clowns before I was told to fresh water bathe the fish.
Hours after the bath the WS was solid gone, although its still in the tank I'm sure.
Sorry to hear about the losses, its a real kick in the goolies that.

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30 Nov 2007 16:35 #5 by Vincent (Vincent)
Replied by Vincent (Vincent) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
I dont know too much about this disease,,,,but apparently the 3 day course of Oodinex is supposed to kill the larvae in the water,,,in addition to the parasite on the fish itself...
Water bath may kill whats on the fish but it wont get rid of the larvae in the water........

Only speakin from my own personal experience tho,,,

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30 Nov 2007 18:40 #6 by lampeye (lampeye)
sorry to hear about your bad luck. did you quarantine your fish? if not its a bit like playing russian roulette.


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30 Nov 2007 19:48 #7 by Seany (Sean Phelan)

I'm really sorry to hear about your losses. I believe that the Regal Tang are notorious for Whitespot. Tough Luck. Was he quarantined for any length of time?

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01 Dec 2007 01:44 #8 by kieronr (kieronr)
Hi cj,unfortunatley most tangs especially regals are ich magnets.If you put your new arrivals into a hospital tank for a few weeks,you can treat them with low salinity (taking the salt level down to 1.009 very slowly).This will kill the whitespot and the free swimming stage if present.You could also add a copper treatment to the hospital tank providing its live rock and invert free.Never add inverts or copper sensitive livestock to a tank that has been treated with copper as the silicone sealant can absorb it and then leach it back into the aquarium.If you leave your main tank free of fish (whitespot does;nt affect inverts)for six weeks,the whitespot will die off due to lack of hosts.hope this helps.regards kieron

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02 Dec 2007 14:46 #9 by CJC (Ciaran Curran)
Tks for the kind words - unfortnately i never set up a quartine tank - everything seems to have settled down now - the UV filter looks as if it has done its job

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02 Dec 2007 20:13 #10 by Sean (Fr. Jack)
CJC wrote:

Invested in a UV filter and back to the drawing board.On the positive side I added a calcium reactor and the Corals are doing great.

What meds can you add to cure protozoan diease when you have corals in the tank?
The U/V really only works when use in conjunction with diamateous earth filter, hence on it own is not great value, except for use in marine wholesalers, as its good to reduce the virus when you mix caribbean fish with pacific fish at the first instance when their mix for the very first time as the have not great immunity when first mix.

Never buy fish from a shop thats mixes fish with inverts in the sale displays, as they are doomed as they cant be adding meds to those tanks with inverts if they have a show/display tank set up with fish and inverts thats OK because they would of been invariably quarantined before they were mix together and in any case are not for sale, basicaly if you walk into a shop that fits that description just walk out again, if you must feel compelled enough to return back, try and refrain your self, but if you must they at least bring a M16 but be sure not to hit the tanks when you start firing and miss the employees to as its not their fault the owner has not turned to the dark side of the force.

That would be a ecumenical matter!!!

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02 Dec 2007 22:22 #11 by Anthony (Anthony)
Replied by Anthony (Anthony) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
My idea if I had a UV Steriliser and my fish had ick, I would bump up the heat to speed up the cycle then
the ich would be free swimming and the UV Steriliser would be more effective.

If I am way off then Sean could you explain why.

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03 Dec 2007 11:44 #12 by Sean (Fr. Jack)
The U/V will reduce the extent or velocity of the infection getting worse, but some of the critters that are too big wont get erraticated, hence the bigger one will get stopped in the diaous earth, and the smaller critter that slip through the earth are small enough to bet eradicated during the time the ater passes through the U/V, thats therory, normally you get secondary infections such as fungus, which is why in the wholesalers the tanks get hit every 2nd or third day with formalin and malachite green, in a LFS they should really have a 50% dose of copper continually in the FISH ONLY systems if they dont feel confident using stronger methods although the stronger methods also stop gill fluke nad fungus, that why malachite green is so effective, if there is a new product on the market that kills protozoan, but does not effect inverts, then ignore my last post, as I have been out of thew fish business for 15 years, so its possible I am wrong, so if any one knows of such a product please let me know, even its to stop, someone going on a firing spree around the lFS with a M16.:laugh:

That would be a ecumenical matter!!!

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03 Dec 2007 16:34 #13 by Vincent (Vincent)
Replied by Vincent (Vincent) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
Has anyone else tried Oodinex and what results have they had ?

I had terrible trouble with white spot when i started keepin these babies,,,havent seen sight of it for months now,,,I may be wrong but I am CONVINCED this product worked for me,

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03 Dec 2007 17:21 #14 by Didihno (Didihno)
Replied by Didihno (Didihno) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
I have a bottle of it on standby for the next outbreak (touch wood).
Heard great things, but I have to say, fresh water baths for the sick fish produced stunning results.
And I mean stunning.
90% clear up after an hour after the bath, then one more bath the next day and there it was, gone!
12 mins in fresh water. Awesome. And free.

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03 Dec 2007 20:27 #15 by Sean (Fr. Jack)
Vincent wrote:

Has anyone else tried Oodinex and what results have they had ?

I had terrible trouble with white spot when i started keepin these babies,,,havent seen sight of it for months now,,,I may be wrong but I am CONVINCED this product worked for me,

Can we confirm this product Oodinex works with inverts? as I a have had a PM sent from interpxxxx warning me I am out of order encouraging shooting LFS owners that mix inverts and fish in their sale tanks, especially encouraging it on a public website, they said they should only be shoot if their no product on the market that can kill protozoan without harming the inverts.

I got another PM from some one affiliate to Green P..... saying this unnecessary suffering of fish that die from not been treated due to being with inverts must stop, the only way to stop this ignorance is to shoot the bastxxxx.

That would be a ecumenical matter!!!

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03 Dec 2007 20:37 #16 by Vincent (Vincent)
Replied by Vincent (Vincent) on topic Re:Whitespot Diaster
Well...when the last incident happened,,,I had the following in the tank

2 Clowns
Clown Wrasse
Royal Grama
Blue Cheeked Goby
Midas Blenny
Tubeworms (approx 12)
Hermits (approx 8 )
2 Starfish
Few mushrooms /toadstools
2 Torch corals

All still alive .

I was told to follow the manufacturers instructions TO THE LETTER , and I did.
It says on the box ot is invert safe,

Fluke , or it works?

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04 Dec 2007 10:06 #17 by Sean (Fr. Jack)
Your right and I am wrong there is a product on the market, I have just googholgred it, this is what it says, I eat my hat, I am out of touch for too long with the industry..:(

Does any one have any bad experience with inverts dieing after using this product, if not Lampeye pro quarantine rules could be a wrong as my thread to, basically through the fish and inverts together add this product and bingo? .

OODINEX is a wide range disease treatment for marine fish in aquariums that contain inverts. The unique formula solves wide range of fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections.

• Safe to use in Marine aquariums containing invertebrates.
• Effectively treats many disease organisms.
• Eliminates the danger of choosing the wrong treatment
• Treats 800 litres / 210 US gallons / 175 UK gallons.

That would be a ecumenical matter!!!

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04 Dec 2007 12:17 #18 by CJC (Ciaran Curran)
I have use oodinex for 2 treatments and the corals are doing perfectly - seems to have done the trick.

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04 Dec 2007 13:08 #19 by Seany (Sean Phelan)
Quotes from Ultimate Reef.com

I used it to clear up a case of Amyloodinium (marine ich) it worked initially, but i lost an acro and most other hard corals had a hard time recovering, my advice would be, even as it is sold as reef safe i would only use in a hospital tank.

i have used this before. got to say it was worse than useless. it did nothing for the fish and killed 2 cleaner shrimps.

i have used it and have had success so far. I turned my skimmer off when i ran the treatment i have been told to run the course again in a weeks time

In a reef you are very limited with your medications

1 “reef safe” medications

Most reef safe medications work by containing dyes that bind to the parasites’ DNA and prevent replication, others contain Quinine or quinine derivatives that inhibit replication. It is true that they are no where near as effective for marine white spot as copper, but have the advantage that they are much less toxic to invertebrates.

Reef safe treatments can give good results if used properly, but that means very accurate dosing, no skimming (it strips out reef safe medication in the skimmate), no carbon (it absorbs the medications) and you may need to treat with a full second course of the medication consecutively (as majestic suggests). I think these types of treatments have a place in disease management, but they are not truly reef safe (often Clams, Echinoderms etc react very badly to them) but they can play an important role in white spot management where a separate quarantine tank isn't available.

I recommend this article as it goes through the treatment options in some detail


Kind regards


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04 Dec 2007 13:11 - 04 Dec 2007 13:12 #20 by Seany (Sean Phelan)
Quarantine tank essential I think !
Last edit: 04 Dec 2007 13:12 by Seany (Sean Phelan).

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05 Dec 2007 09:42 #21 by Sean (Fr. Jack)
Seany wrote:

Quotes from Ultimate Reef.com

In a reef you are very limited with your medications

1 “reef safe” medications

Most reef safe medications work by containing dyes that bind to the parasites’ DNA and prevent replication, others contain Quinine or quinine derivatives that inhibit replication. It is true that they are no where near as effective for marine white spot as copper, but have the advantage that they are much less toxic to invertebrates.


This chemical (Quinine)is noting new I think its original use is to kill insects or some thing?, I use the raw form in Manila Aquatics, marine wholesaler in Tampa back in 1990-1991 as there was some paper wrote then on its use for salt water, bearing in mind any drugs would have to be in the crude raw form due to the cost of treating such a massive 7 large centralise systems. any way I did not have good results, no fish died after adding this drug into the water (fish only system of course!) but it did not get rid of white spot and fungus, we went back to constant copper, but 3 months latter went on to formalin malachite every 2 or 3 days, with amazing results, less malachite was used on wrasses and ells.

I realise computers and other technologies are moving at a rapid pace, but I am always sceptical of new technologies in such a crude hobby of keeping fish in glass containers, there is hardly going to be any ground breaking drugs that they up to now have only just figured out.

That would be a ecumenical matter!!!

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