Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Discus Keepers?

03 Jul 2008 21:09 #1 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
guess there arent many Discus keepers in Ireland :( surely there is a good few?

was looking forward to talking to other keepers here in ireland.

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04 Jul 2008 13:06 #2 by BJHillson (Brett Hillson)
I have 7 Blue Diamond Discus

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04 Jul 2008 13:29 #3 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
great.. got any pics? have they bred?

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04 Jul 2008 13:44 #4 by arabu1973 (. .)
Replied by arabu1973 (. .) on topic Re:Discus Keepers?
i have 4 blue diamond and 2 golden, from them 1 female blue diamond and 1 male golden are a pair and are breading in the community tank

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04 Jul 2008 14:39 #5 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
have you successfully bred in your community tank? i imagine its pretty hard.. I had 2 females that used to try and lay eggs together in my big tank.. the cory's were on them as soon as they could lay :(

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04 Jul 2008 16:54 #6 by arabu1973 (. .)
Replied by arabu1973 (. .) on topic Re:Discus Keepers?
they spawned last saturday, the fry harched monday but by today they started to swim and the other fish had them, thinking that its brine shrimp maybe but i just finished to set up a 120L tank to breed them separatelly. i have the sponge filter matured already in another tank so after i come back from wexford i'll test the water and if everything is ok i'll put them in the tank

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04 Jul 2008 19:01 #7 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
if you have any questions that i may be able to help with please dont hesitate to ask. I have 6 breeding tanks running at the moment and have my fair share of disasters that i might be able to help you or anyone else on here with. had some good success with Blue diamonds that are proving hard to breed at the moment world wide

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05 Jul 2008 16:29 #8 by russell (russell)
Replied by russell (russell) on topic Re:Discus Keepers?
Hi all

Breeding Discus is no harder /easier than most egglayers. providing you follow the rules. but be prepared to cull and have an outlet for them, posted some pics of my youngsters some time ago don't know if they are still on the site. will have a browse

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05 Jul 2008 16:59 #9 by BJHillson (Brett Hillson)
My Blues are too young at the moment but are comming along, 2 are stuggling look like there runts and havnt grown much since I got them, the others are twise the size and developing well with some lovely colouring. Hopefully in 6 month plus they may start pairing up.

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05 Jul 2008 19:23 #10 by koinonia (koinonia)
I am now among the ranks of the discus owners. i got 4 from chris today. 2 pigeon bloods, a marlborough red and a brown.

put them into my tank tonight and so far they are hiding..hopefully they will survive their first night :side:

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05 Jul 2008 20:20 #11 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
the first couple of days, they will hide and generally be a bit shy.

dont feed them until the 2nd/third day. what are your water params?

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05 Jul 2008 20:35 #12 by BJHillson (Brett Hillson)
Congrats and good luck

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08 Jul 2008 17:07 - 08 Jul 2008 17:09 #13 by koinonia (koinonia)
water params ..not sure but i did a 25% water change last night.

2 of the 4 are feeding fine. the red is very shy and not sure if its feeding well....looks a bit pale.

the brown discus seems to be dominant in the the tank and was the first to feed.

must say..i got a good deal from chris....
i went into one lfs in north county dublin and saw some small discus...€75 each..i got 4 for 95 :)
Last edit: 08 Jul 2008 17:09 by koinonia (koinonia).

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09 Jul 2008 00:08 #14 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
it would be good to find out your PH nitrates and hardness because without it you might be heading for a disaster with Discus..

I know Chris uses declorinated tap water so your fish are pretty hardy... plenty of good clean water and keep an eye on them for the next few weeks..

sometimes the fish can get a little too stressed and they stop eating or start blowing food. just observe and watch him for signs of malnutrition or white poo.

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09 Jul 2008 00:46 #15 by serratus (Drew Latimer)
Yeh, would agree with the above... but most fishkeepers getting into discus forget about their sensitivity, NO3..Nitates need to be kept >30ppm.... They are very adaptable fish..but only after a slow A/C..then they can be as hardy as most fish. they will put up with a wide range of PH, but stability is the KEY!!!!!!

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14 Jul 2008 14:49 #16 by koinonia (koinonia)
not had 5 minutes to do a water test but do a 20% water change every 2- 3 days.

they all seem to be settling in nicely :)

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14 Jul 2008 19:07 #17 by DaveyH (Dave Horan)
I got 3 from Chris last month and I put them in a 180 litre planted community tank with cardinal tetras and corys.

purple(male i think), pigeon blood(i'd guess female) and brown snakeskin (female i think):S

I'm guessing the sexes because of how they react to one another and because two of them paired up but I didn't see them spawning...just caught them eating the eggs about a week ago.

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14 Jul 2008 19:32 #18 by BJHillson (Brett Hillson)
Some good tips to sex a Discus:
The dorsal fin of the male will be pointed, and the female's dorsal fin will be rounded. Note that in juvenile discus, this is not apparent.

The breeding tube of the female, between the anus and anal fin,is broader and rounder than the male, and will have a blunt tip.The male, in turn, has a smaller, sharper breeding tube. Be aware that this is only evident during spawning, and should be closely observed.

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28 Jul 2008 21:23 #19 by adamireland (Adam Jackson)
its very hard to tell the difference unless you see them spawning.. i was sure recently who was the male and female in a certain pair until one of them fell ill quickly, and on autopsy found she was a he...

i have a few adult females with pointed fins so while sexing by this method is useful, its never 100% accurate.. watching eggs and watching a male fertilize is the only sure way..

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07 Oct 2008 09:01 #20 by arto (Arek Tokarski)
Hi , my stock is:

3 x red turquise
2 x pigeon blood
2 x red melon
2 x white
2 x diamond
2 x snake skin

all beautifull.

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