Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin


09 May 2011 19:28 #1 by paddyc1 (Paddy Corrigan)
Buying an external for my Trigon 190.
Any advice on which is the best of these............

Tetratec ex900
Crystalprofi E900
Fluval 405

Thanks in advance,


Tallaght, Dublin 24

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09 May 2011 19:42 #2 by mixer (MICK BRADLEY)
Replied by mixer (MICK BRADLEY) on topic Re: External
Hi paddy, I have the 190 and am using the fluval 405 on it and it works very well with it and the external fits nicely into the cabinet.I took out the internal as it is shit.Buy one secondhand on the forum if money is tight.

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09 May 2011 19:56 #3 by paddyc1 (Paddy Corrigan)
Cheers mixer. Did you have to make any ammendments to tank or hood for the hoses ?

Tallaght, Dublin 24

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09 May 2011 20:41 #4 by dar (darren curry)
Replied by dar (darren curry) on topic Re: External
paddy i have the 405 and i despise it, the motor is brutal. others have no problems but if you search a bit fluval comes across as bit gicky

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09 May 2011 20:58 - 09 May 2011 21:03 #5 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External
I am using Fluval for decades, this type of generalisation is totally unfounded, every piece of equipment goes through periods of uncertainty, all makes have their faults and followers, Cars are treated the same, one person has a problem with a make and they tell everyone not to buy them.

People in general treat Filters badly, they try squeezing and pulling them to fit the Lids etc, they are engineered to sit in a certain way, not positioning stuff correctly or filling Baskets brim full with media will inevitably lead to damage or unsatisfactory performance, I would have to say that priming is a big let down with externals but patience usually leads to success.

Tell me, how many Filters are sold world-wide? how many are faulty? there are millions of Filters sold yearly and not all are faulty. I have also sold used Filters on this Forum and no problems reported so...

Last edit: 09 May 2011 21:03 by stretnik (stretnik).

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09 May 2011 21:07 #6 by dyco619 (steve carmody)
i no some people dont like fuvals, but i have a few of them and love em! both internal and external,
ive never had any problems with them,
i have an ehiem classic as well, nothing wrong with it but would prefer to swap it for a fluval!!
very handy to take apart for cleaning too...

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09 May 2011 21:45 #7 by dar (darren curry)
Replied by dar (darren curry) on topic Re: External
hence why i stated others have no problem. i monitored the power slowly decrease since the warranty expired and if i could go back or if i was to advise, i would say skip it.
but if you do buy one watch for the little ceramic rod, if you have the baskets slightly out of place or if you put a wee bit more media in it, it can smash the rod. i busted mine this way (only about 6quid to replace plus a bit of postage), then the primer went (the plastic warped), the filter leaked flooding the gaff, the clip for the propeller cover snapped in my hand and would not work without it. and now the motor is a total disaster and i am forking out for a new filter. but i will get some pleasure out of it...by taking a sledge hammer to my old pal fluval. i might scream a few obsanities while i am at it.

it is totally your call but you need the good and the bad comments before you make your call and that is just my experience

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09 May 2011 21:51 #8 by paddyc1 (Paddy Corrigan)
That's the problem with asking for peoples opinions.
There's always gonna be a mixed bag of experiences.
I was thinking of going with the JBL, maybe the E1500.

Thanks for the comments. Keep em coming !!

Tallaght, Dublin 24

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09 May 2011 22:04 - 09 May 2011 22:27 #9 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re: External
You seem to have totally dispensed with the thought of getting an Eheim.
I personally would recommend that make over any other available - but this is really what it's all about, opinions.
I think they - as a brand - are head and shoulders above any other.
Maybe others will disagree, but to me they're 'simply the best' (good title for a song there).

I have just re-read my post and have to say that I only ever use Eheims, I do have a Tetratec I bought second hand and it's still out the shed (in case of emergency) I have a good few Fluval internals and they are very good, but I cannot comment on their range of externals though if they are in any way as good as the internals they can't be that bad.

N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.
Last edit: 09 May 2011 22:27 by JohnH (John). Reason: Addition

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09 May 2011 22:15 #10 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External

if you have the baskets slightly out of place or if you put a wee bit more media in it, it can smash the rod. i busted mine this way (only about 6quid to replace plus a bit of postage), then the primer went (the plastic warped), the filter leaked flooding the gaff, the clip for the propeller cover snapped in my hand and would not work without it. and now the motor is a total disaster and i am forking out for a new filter.

Thanks Dar, exactly what I said, abuse it and you lose it, all of the above anecdote points toward abuse of the article and inexperience. Why put in more media than you should? the Baskets will not fit together properly if overfilled and will result in damage, rtfm ! it's stupid to put more media in than it is designed to take, I'd love to put a Jet turbine Engine into my Honda but I doubt if the chassis could take it.


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09 May 2011 22:19 #11 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External
I also concur with Mr H. Eheim are the Rolls Royce of Filters and were rare in the Hobby here due to the high Price but that is no longer the case and more and more LFS are retailing them, I have one that a Forum Member brought back to me from the UK and the only way I know it's on is because of the water returning into the Tank... Sweet!.


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09 May 2011 22:26 #12 by dar (darren curry)
Replied by dar (darren curry) on topic Re: External
yeah i threw one to many ceramic rings in and that was totally my fault but that was a minor issue that was resolved, the rest was down to poor manufacturing on fluvals part, unfortunately Kev that is why they get so much stick.

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09 May 2011 22:36 - 09 May 2011 22:42 #13 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External

So If I read this I must assume all Eheim are rubbish too?

How on Earth is having the media Baskets slightly out of place got anything to do with manufacturing errors?

They only get bad Stick if you look for bad stick, Dyco and I have had no problems .

Last edit: 09 May 2011 22:42 by stretnik (stretnik).

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09 May 2011 22:41 - 09 May 2011 22:45 #14 by Jim (Jim Lawlor)
Replied by Jim (Jim Lawlor) on topic Re: External
I have tetratec, aqua ones , and after the last debate on this I took the leap and bought an eheim. I'd buy any of them again, they do a great job with little or no maintenance.

The one external I wouldn't get again is a fluval (ive got a 405).

I've had it from new whereas most of the others are second hand and therefore older. Each time I clean it, you can almost see the flow begining to degrade within days. Much higher maintenance too.

I'm not trying to claim that's representative of all fluvals but that's my experience of them.

The tetratec are great and the eheim, although more fiddly to set up, is at least as good.

Last edit: 09 May 2011 22:45 by Jim (Jim Lawlor).

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09 May 2011 22:51 #15 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External
The last I'll say is that each manufacturer will have occasional problems with various models but it is unfair to cite a personal disliking for something on your personal experience, it's a given that occasional pieces of equipment slips through the QC dept and usually will be replaced foc as long the person using it does so in a way that it was meant to be used. That is what a guarantee is for, after all if a particular make is continually " Crap" the company would be no longer in business.


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09 May 2011 23:35 #16 by dar (darren curry)
Replied by dar (darren curry) on topic Re: External
Kevs getting cranky :P
calm down Kev, if you read again you will see that i clearly stated that was my fault and you will clearly read that it is my opinion
if i write a letter of apology to captain fluval will that untangle your undergarments?

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09 May 2011 23:48 #17 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External

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09 May 2011 23:58 #18 by dar (darren curry)
Replied by dar (darren curry) on topic Re: External
sleep well Kev

paddy my apologies for the thread going off a bit. i gave an opinion. it is up to yourself, as i said

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10 May 2011 11:23 #19 by paddyc1 (Paddy Corrigan)
No prob Dar. Its nice to have a good debate and a bit of banter from time to time.

JohnH, don't know why I haven't considered Eheim. Any idea which model would suit best ??

Tallaght, Dublin 24

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10 May 2011 11:50 #20 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Hi Paddy,
All valid opinions there from the looks of it. The main thing I would take from the experiences of others above is exactly as Kev said in relation to the Guarantee. Use the filter as its meant,and if you do have problems,know that your warranty will stand up.

My own experience is with Tetratec, I find them excellent,so silent you wouldnt know that it was even running. Easy to maintain and clean etc. (I know some of the earlier models had a problem with the seals leaking but I think that batch of models are all sorted now and Tetratec held up to their warrantys as well).Ive never had an issue with Tetratec and would recommend them.
Other thing I would say, its good you are overfiltering. Sizing up the filter capacity,will serve you in the long run. However I dont know where you are buying the EX 900 ?? I didnt know Tetratec did an EX 900? did you mean the ex 600 or 700 or 1200!!!!


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10 May 2011 11:52 #21 by JohnH (John)
Replied by JohnH (John) on topic Re: External
There are quite a lot of 'newer' models now (showing my age here) but I favour the Eheim 2215.
I have two which have been running almost non-stop (apart from occasional media cleans and the time spent moving over and getting tanks set up again after the house was finally built (I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating - Irish builders can learn nothing about prevarication from their UK counterparts).

I'm also running two of the 2213s as well for at least five years - also without any problems at all, and they were 'previously enjoyed' by Russell.

The 'Wet and Dry' range is well spoken of too - I actually have one, but am keeping that for a special purpose later in the year. I know others here who swear by them, but I can only talk about the ones I have eperience of.

I also have a couple of smaller Eheims running and - like the others already mentioned - they continue to give good service after well over a decade.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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10 May 2011 14:53 #22 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Quick question but how often do any of you change the media in an external. Cleaning is fair enough,but actually changing it,how often would you do that? I mean ceramic rings,bio balls,sponges etc.
I mean fair enough the filter wool needs replacing regularly, the carbon is the same (although I dont run carbon unless needed to remove something). The sponges seems to last fine once washed every now and then, while the ceramics and bio balls seem perfect once washed. (all washed in tank water of course). I never replaced any of mine,keep them regularly maintained and it should be fine. (I will admit to cutting the sponge into several sizes so I can seed other filters if needed in emergency etc, and I have used them to good effect eg.Quarantine tank).
So just wondering how often do people change their media assuming its not for any reason other than replacing existing worn out media ?


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10 May 2011 16:04 - 10 May 2011 16:07 #23 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External
I would only replace a Filter Sponge when it disintegrates, seriously, and that only happens on smaller filters where the Sponge has holes in it where valves or pipes pass through it. Re ceramic Rings/Balls, I put them into a very hot Oven for twenty minutes, any organic material in the pores burn off and it's like new. Re seeding a new sponge, I would/have squeezed the old sponge into Tank water till it's clean, then empty that Water, gunk and all, into the Q Tank, it will suck everything through itself and speeds everything up.

Last edit: 10 May 2011 16:07 by stretnik (stretnik).

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10 May 2011 16:31 #24 by andrewo (andrew)
Replied by andrewo (andrew) on topic Re: External
Lots of nice issues raised here. I would rly like to know if we could organise a poll to see which external filters are most popular among users here in the forum.

Probably end result will be something like Eheim;____;_____;______ but then again there could be a surprise or two in store. :) Would like to see which is the most popular brand after eheim too.

So John?

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10 May 2011 16:45 #25 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re: External
Having recently met up with and spoken to, a member of the forum , he told me that he uses Sponges and Pipes and Air, so why do we use expensively crafted Externals?? why do we not all just use Sponges and Air, they would certainly be cheaper.

Are they not popular due to Aesthetics?


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10 May 2011 20:37 - 10 May 2011 20:39 #26 by christyg (Chris Geraghty)
Anything that beats an Eheim would have to be pretty special. Its hard to beat German engineering and quality and reliability.
Last edit: 10 May 2011 20:39 by christyg (Chris Geraghty).

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10 May 2011 20:46 #27 by mickdeja (Mick Whelan)
Replied by mickdeja (Mick Whelan) on topic Re: External

Having recently met up with and spoken to, a member of the forum , he told me that he uses Sponges and Pipes and Air, so why do we use expensively crafted Externals?? why do we not all just use Sponges and Air, they would certainly be cheaper.

Are they not popular due to Aesthetics?


Its now is the time to think about savin money and the sponge and air is a very cheap way to go. I have only really seen them on breedin tanks and other smaller tanks within a house. i think for the main tank or bigger tanks in the house little is more, by this i mean u can go with the sponge and air option with heaters and the rest on display, the external option with heaters and the rest or the sump where everything is hidden. I know i would prefer the sump on me main tank and that is down to astethics. So yer probably right sure thats why fluval make that flash lookin cappucino maker external because it looks nice.


Follow me up to Carlow

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10 May 2011 21:38 #28 by dubfish (Alan Martin)
Replied by dubfish (Alan Martin) on topic Re: External

Anything that beats an Eheim would have to be pretty special. Its hard to beat German engineering and quality and reliability.

Fluval FX5 is a good match,highly recommend them.

Regards Alan..

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14 May 2011 07:41 #29 by jakepitbull (john)
Replied by jakepitbull (john) on topic Re: External
I've got a e1500 on my trigon 190 (with the juwel filter) the water is crystal clear. running 6 months and just change the filter floss in the juwel every two weeks.

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14 May 2011 09:25 #30 by paddyc1 (Paddy Corrigan)
Went against almost everybodies advice and got the new JBL e901 greenline (less power consumption than 900).
Those who've seen my other post (Filter help) will see it's annoying me already !

Tallaght, Dublin 24

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