Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Its Show Time !!

12 Jul 2010 14:44 #1 by seahorse (Kealan Doyle)
Hey guys

The documentary finally kicks off Tonight
Don’t miss out 8.30 RTE 1 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
See can you find yourself hiding out in the background or hogging the camera :woohoo:

Also Huge delivery has just arrived were now packed to the brim and fully quarantined ready for there new caring owners
Here is a sneak preview of the new stock that is now ready to go


Cherry Barb
Peacock Betta
Sailfin Plecostomus
Burmese Grey Frog Catfish

Flag Cichlid
Yellow Cichlid
Nyassa Peacock
Green Corydoras
Electric Blue Ramirezi
Black Line Otocinclus Catfish
Flower Horn Cichlid

Apistogramma cacatuiodes-orange
Apistogramma nijsseni
Aphyosemion australe-golden
Nothobranchius rachovii
Assorted Neon Guppy - Male
Cardinal Tetra
Panda Goldfish

Golden Sunset Guppy - Female
Clown Loach
Assorted Lyretail Molly

Albino Underwater Frog
Black Underwater Frog
Asst. Platy
Asian Rummynose
Fireworks Galaxy Rasbora

Asst. Female Betta
Asst. Male Betta
Chipmunk Botia
Asian Leaf Fish
Figure Eight Puffer
Golden Sunset Shrimp
Golden Apple Snail
Assorted Double Sword
Asst. Sword
Cardinal Tetra
Assorted Crowntail Male Betta
Sulawesi Sunrise Unicorn Snail

Lobelia cardinalis
Nymphaea ‘Tiger lotus red’
Dracaena deremensis
Syngonium spec. ‘White Butterfly’
Ophiopogon japonica
Sagittaria platyphylla-submerged
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Limnophila sessiliflora-emerged
Alternanthera cardinalis-emerged
Micranthemum micranthemoides
Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis
Nymphaea ‘Tiger lotus green’
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Rotala indica-emerged
Bacopa caroliniana-emerged
Hygrophila salicifolia-emerged
Ceratopteris siliquosa -emerged
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-submerged
Ludwigia peruensis
Ludwigia arcuata-emerged

Alternanthera ficoidea bettzickiana ‘Aurea’
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis-emerged
Cordyline ‘Compacta’
Rotala wallichii-emerged
Ophiopogon japonica ‘Kyoto’
Alternanthera reineckii-submerged
Eleocharis parvulus
Hygrophila angustifolia-submerged
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’
Cryptocoryne lutea
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Broad leaf’
Echinodorus schlueteri ‘Leopard’-emerged
Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervis’-submerged
Bacopa myriophylloides-submerged
Ludwigia repens-submerged
Rotala najean-submerged
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green x Tall form’
Cryptocoryne wendtii x hybrid
Lysimachia nummularia
Hygrophila corymbosa var. ‘Compacta’-emerged


Desjardinii Sailfin Tang - L
Flame Scallops - Red
Flame Scallop - Local
Maroon Clown (S)
Pom Pom Tail Slug-Purple
True Percula Clown - S
Bicolor Goby
Blue Mandarin
Black Percula - M
Maroon Clown - M
Yellownose Goby
Pink Bar Goby
Orange Ocellaris - Coral Sea (L)

Decorator Crabs
Sally Light Foot Crab
Brown Saddle Back Clown - M
Black Saddle Back Clown -S
Purple Reef Lobster
Golden Head Sleeper Goby
Watchman Goby (Brown)
Watchman Goby (Yellow)
Blue Starfish

Red Grapes
Giant Mushroom - Stripe
Giant Mushroom - Green
Leather Sponge Mushroom
Giant Mushroom - Assorted
Leather Mushroom Finger
Green Fan Leaf
Rusty Spotted Mushroom
Latte Art Mushroom

Red Bamboo
Leather - Short Finger
Leather - Long Finger
Leather Mushroom - Assorted
Hairy Long Polyps
Leatherback Finger

Baby Anemone On Rock-Green
Hairy Long Polyps
Blue Sponge
Orange Sponge
Red Base Anemone

White Anemones
Red Base Long Tentacles Anemone
Buble Anemone - Assorted
Buble Anemone - Green
Red Base Anemone

Bicolor Angelfish
Eibl's Angelfish
Keyhole Angelfish
Pearl-Scaled Angelfish
Multy-barred Angelfish
Bellus Angelfish Female
Lamarck's Angelfish Male
Blue-Ring Angelfish Juvenile
Blue-Ring Angelfish Adult
Emperor Angelfish Juvenile
Emperor Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish
Blue-Girdled Angelfish Adult
Koran Angelfish Juvenile
Koran Angelfish Juvenile
Six-Banded Angelfish Juvenile
Six-Banded Angelfish Adult
Regal Angelfish Adult
Longfin Bannerfish
Threadfin Butterflyfish
Saddleback Butterflyfish
Klein's Butterflyfish
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Spot-Band Butterflyfish
Raffle'S Butterflyfish
Mirror Butterflyfish
Orbiculate Batfish
Round-Faced Batfish
Skunk-Striped Clownfish
Orange-Finned Clownfish
Clark's Clownfish
Black Clownfish
Saddleback Clownfish
Orange Clownfish
Seba's Clownfish
Blue-Green Chromis
Allen's Damsel
Goldbelly Damsel
Neon Damsel
Blue-streak Damsel Juvenile
Bluedevil Damsel Female
Whitetailed Demoiselle
Blacktail Demoiselle
Reticulated Demoiselle
Threespot Demoiselle
Pacific Blue-stripe Pipefish
Banded Pipefish
Alligator Pipefish
Common Shrimpfish
Striated Frogfish
Spotfin Lionfish
Russell's Lionfish
Volitan's Lionfish (Black)
Sailfin Scorpionfish
Black Ribbon Eel (Juvenile)
Splendid Garden Eel
Spotted Garden Eel
Twosport Hogfish Adult
Green Wrasse Juvenile
Golden Wrasse Adult
Purpleheaded Wrasse Adult
Yellospoted Wrasse Adult
Sixstripe Wrasse
Seagrass Wrasse
Dragon Wrasse Juvenile
Cleaner Wrasse Adult
Blue-Sided Fairywrasse Male
Exquisite Fairywrasse Male
Yellow Filament Fairywrasse Male
Red Bar Fairywrasse Male
Lubbock'S Fairywrasse
Rubrimaginatus Fairywrasse
Solorensis Fairywrasse Male
Temminck's Fairywrasse
Filament Flasherwrasse Male
Eightlinefin Flasherwrasse
Ring-tail Surgeonfish
Dussumiers surgeonfish
White-spine Surgeonfish
Lined Surgeonfish
W-cheek Surgeonfish
Eye-line Surgeonfish
Chocolate Surgeonfish Juvenile
Chocolate Surgeonfish Adult
Indian Mimic Surgeonfish (stripe) J
Blue Surgeonfish
Blue Surgeonfish
Blue Surgeonfish
Spotted Unicornfish Juvenile
Orange-dorsal Unicornfish Juvenile
Orange-dorsal Unicornfish Adult
Orange-spine Unicornfish Adult
Unicornfish Juvenile
Common Yellow Sawtail
Yellow-Blotch Rabbitfish
Decorated Rabbitfish
Double-Barred Rabbitfish
Foxface Rabbitfish
Yellow Boxfish
Striped Puffer
Map Puffer
Spiny Porcupinefish
Redtooth Triggerfish
Halfmoon Triggerfish
Scribbled Filefish
Leafy Filefish
Two-Colored Blenny
False Two-Colored Blenny
Jawelled Blenny
Yellow Tail Poison-fang Blenny
Smith's Poison-fang Blenny
Cleaner Mimicblenny
Crosshatch Goby
Rainford'S Goby
Maiden Goby (Orange-spotted Goby)
Six-spot Goby
Golden head Sleeper Goby
False Golden Head Sleeper Goby
Wards sleeper
Yellow Shrimpgoby
Black-rayed Shrimpgoby
Psychedelic Dragonet
Mandarin Dragonet
Decorated Firefish
Magnifica Firefish
Randal's Jawfish
Imelda'S Anthias Male
Lyretail Anthias Female
Lyretail Anthias Male
Purple Anthias Female
Purple Anthias Male
Royal Dottyback
Banggai Cardinalfish
Black Beauty Snapper Juvenile
Harlequin Sweetlips Juvenile
Freckled Hawkfish
Threespot Squirrelfish
Stripe Catfish
Great Barracuda
White spoted anemone shrimp
Banded boxer shrimp
Daum's reef lobster
Debelius' reef lobster
Painted spiny lobster
Retusa spider crab
Rockrunner land crab
Red spotted anemone crab
Pompom anemone crab
Metalic blue leg hermit crab
White leg hermit crab
Prashadi squid
Spanish dancer nudibranch
Red banner nudibranch
Stripe nudibranch
Seahare nudibranch
Green grazer
Spoted grazer
Egg grazer
Fenestratus grazer
Histrio grazer
Orange spotted grazer
Hard chiton
Strawberry conch
Cleaner sand starfish
Cleaner sand starfish
Dark red long starfish
Spotted red starfish
Finger red starfish
General colored starfish
Nova starfish
Zebra brittle starfish
Black brittle starfish
Orange eye long spine sea urchin
Orange eye long spine sea urchin
Zebra sea urchin (Long spine)
Fruit sea urchin (Short-spine)
Fruit sea urchin (Short-spine)
Green sea urchin (Short-spine)
Black line featherstar
Yellow black featherstar
Red featherstar
Black cleaner cucumber
Red long cucumber
Zebra long cucumber
Papua jellyfish
Papaya seapen
Bright Green carpet anemone
Common carpet anemone
Coloured corn anemone
Colored pakis sand anemone
Purple tip milk anemone
Yellow milk anemone
Common milk anemone
White sand anemone
Coloured sand anemone
Brown sand tubeworm
Indica featherworm
Common featherworm
Yellow featherworm
Bright red mushroom
Kenya tree soft
Pulse xenia
Common wood polyp
Spiny cavernosa sponge
Paddle / vase sponge
Blue hard sponge
Monkey squirts
Compact staghorn crl. colored
Velvet crl.
Anchor crl. (grade B)
Torch crl. (grade B)
Lichtensteini rice crl. S
Exesa horn crl.
Ampliata merulina crl.
Sun crl.
Mesentarina pagoda crl. green
Corymbosa root crl. colored
Agaricia meat crl. colored
Polyp crl.
Abdita eye crl.
Lemon crl.
Jewel crl.
Musica organpipe crl. green

See you all soon
Seahorse Aquariums

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12 Jul 2010 20:20 #2 by Ieva star (Ieva Fogta)
Well done great show Kealan Regards John and Ieva

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12 Jul 2010 20:28 #3 by Tunes145 (Tuna Yoney)
Just saw the 1st part of the RTE documentary. you guys deserve every cent you earn. Never loose your core ethics and dedication. i am trully impressed.

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13 Jul 2010 00:40 #4 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
BRILLIANT first show guys well impressed, and Kealan you even look good too ;) , congrats Peter, Seamus and Petra from Aquapaws

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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13 Jul 2010 10:15 #5 by Norrie Rugger (Ían Ó Ceallaigh)
I am jealous as hell.
Now that is research that I would have loved to have been involved in

Good job guys

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27 Jul 2010 23:59 #6 by steadyjohn (john)
hi lads just wonderin im using np biopellets 2 weeks now in my eheim pro 2036 cannister and havnt noticed any difference in my nitrates is this normal and how long before nitrates lower



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