Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin


29 Oct 2010 09:36 - 29 Oct 2010 09:37 #1 by seahorse (Kealan Doyle)
[color=]FRESH WATER SPECIAL[/color]

With every purchase over 20 euro you get a free Watter lettuce (Pristia stratiotes)

Also we have on special offer the Roma 125 Aquarium with free stand at 274.99

See link bellow for details



After nearly 3 months, the much anticipated Golden Marindo shipment has arrived. We have received 75 boxes of amazing corals, fish and inverts - please see the link bellow for photographs


We are doing a free Blue Pincushion urchin - Mespilia globulus with every purchase over €50

This weeks shipments

Fresh water fish


Red crystal tetra
L014 Goldie pleco
Galaxy pleco
Gold nugget pleco

Tank bred

Aulonacara calico fire red
Nanochromis travestitus
Julidochromis regani Kipili
Lamprologus brevis
Lamprologus cylindricus
Lamprologus leupli orange
Lamprologus occelatus gold
Lamprologus tretocephalus
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis Blue Neon
Angelfish California
Angelfish Koi diamond
Angelfish Red Devil
Aphyosemion gardneri Nigerianum
Ancistrus sp. Lemon
Ancistrus sp. lemon long fin
Tateurdina ocellicauda - Peacock goby


Pistia Stratiotes
Aponogeton madagascariensis - bulb
Moss balls
Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
Amazon sword - large
Cabomba caroliniana
Hygrophylla Polysperma
Java fern sp. Kyath
Bacopa caroliniana
Polygonum sp. Sao Paulo
Ludwigia Repens
Lysmachia Nummularia green
Cryptocorine wendtii
Glossostigma Elatinoides
Monosolenium Tenerum - Pelia - in cup
Hemianthus calitrichoides var cuba
Golden anubias nana on driftwood
Java fern and anubias nana on driftwood with sucker
Java fern on driftwood
Mini java fern on driftwood
anubias nana on driftwood
Anubias barteri on driftwood
Java moss on driftwood
Anubias lanceolata on driftwood
Anubias nana golden on rock
Sagitaria pusillus on net
Java moss on net
Moss sp on net
Fissidens fontanus on wire

Marine Corals and Inverts.

Acanthastrea Red Stripe Spc
Acanthastrea Yellow
Oxypora Green
Oxypora Red
Acropora Formosa M
Acropora Humilis M
Acropora Millepora M
Hammer Coral Green Tentacle Celebes M
Hammer Coral Green Tentacle Celebes S
Hammer Coral Branch Green Pipe Sumba M
Montipora Foliosa Green S
Montipora Foliosa Orange M
Cactus Pectinia Green
Pearl Coral Common M
Pearl Coral Common S
Organ Pipe Green Polyps Sumba
Blue Coral M
Blue Coral S
Alveopora Green Java
Alveopora Green Metalic Java
Alveopora Pink
Sunflower Java M
Sunflower Yellow S
Symphyllia Green
Symphyllia Red
Ancora Green Timor 3
Pineapple Green
Sunflower Java S
Hammer Coral Green Tips Andalas M
Hammer Coral Green Full M
Torch Coral Greenish Celebes M
Meat Coral Red
Crystal Coral Green
Plate Fungia
Crystal Coral Green
Plate Cycloseris Green
Plate Fungia Red
Plate Fungia Green
Tongue Coral Poly
Tongue Coral Green Herpo
Candycane Big Pipe
Candycane Pipe Small Green
Pagoda Mesenterina
Mushrooms Giant Celebes M
Multi Color Red M
Multi Color Royal M
Multi Color Royal S
Pagoda Cup Green
Favites Brain
Meat Coral
Crystal Coral Green
Favites Brain Green
Montipora Foliosa Purple M
Anthellia Blue Short Tentacle
Candycane Pipe Small
Leather Coral Green M
Leather Coral Green S
Anthellia Blue Short Tentacle
Chrismast Tree black
Leather Coral M
Sponge Orange
Cauliflower On Rock Java
Seaweed Green Fern
Carnation Snowy
Colt Soft Coral Big Stalk Java M
Colt Soft Coral Big Stalk Java S
Kenya Tree S
Shrimp Boxing
Sea Cucumber Red
Feather Duster Brown
Feather Duster Red&White
Yellow Feather Duster
Anemone Red Foot
Anemone Corn
Anemone Corn Green
Star Blue
Urchin Long spine
Star White
Briareum Green L
Anthellia Blue Big Pipe
Xenia Pumping
Jasmine Polyps Green
Sponge Fan Red
Mushrooms Carpet Blue Java
Ricordea Yuma Green
Mushrooms Carpet Orange Celebes
Acropora Variolosa M
Acropora Efflorescens M
Acropora Aculeus M
Acropora Tenuis M
Mushrooms Carpet Orange Celebes
Young Coral M
Seaweed Green Grape
Leather Coral Thin M
Sand Polyps Pink
Sand Polyps Orange Spot
Sand Polyps Green
Sand Polyps Orange Celebes
Acropora Nana M
Acropora Hyacinthus M
Acropora Valida M
Sand Polyps Blue
Sand Polyps Orange
Star Polyps Yellow spot
Star Polyps Big White
Star Polyps Green Java
Star Polyps White
Pagoda Flat
Jewel Stone
Leather Coral Soft M
Mushrooms Red Java M
Sand Polyps Yellow
Leather Coral Soft Tentacle M
Young Coral S
Mushrooms Blue Special Java M
Mushrooms Stripe Java
Sponge Blue
Jasmine Polyps Green
Cauliflower Common
Sand Polyps Orange Celebes
Seaweed Red
Mushrooms Metalic Java
Pagoda Flat
Hammer Coral Green Tips Andalas S
Hammer Coral Branch Green Pipe Sumba S
Torch Coral Green Celebes S
Jewel Stone
Sand Polyps Tentacle Green
Zoanthus Combo
Clove Polyps Green Papua
Seaweed Red bamboo
Mushrooms Multicolor
Pagoda Flat
Torch Coral Greenish S
Hammer Coral Green Full S
Anthellia Blue Long Tentacle
Sand Polyps Tentacle Green
Mushrooms Common Green
Mushrooms Giant Celebes M
Torch Coral Greenish M
Colt Soft Coral Big Stalk Java M
Zoanthus Combo
Jewel Stone Green
Mushrooms Hairy Blue
Anthellia White
Sponge Fan Red
Mushrooms Stripe Java
Star Polyps Green Metalic Papua M
Colt Soft Coral Short Andalas M
Button Polyps Green M
Yellow Polyps M
Zoanthus Combo
Sand Polyps Silver Tentacle Red
Artificial Aquarium Stone w/ calcarious Algae/kgs

Marine Fish

Koran Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish (Adt)
Emperor Angelfish (Juv)
Blue Surgeonfish S & M
Pacific Sailfin Tang M
Bumphead Parrotfish
Moorish Idol
Pacific Orangespine Unicornfish S
Saddled Butterflyfish M
Bannerfish S & M
Citron Butterflyfish
Red-tailed Butterflyfish S
Treadfin Butterflyfish M
Indian Orange-spine Unicornis S
Copperbanded Butterflyfish
Blue-spotted Stingray
Alligator Pipefish
Squirelfish, 108
Orange-epaulette Surgeonfish (Juv)
Saddleback Clown,
Pretty prawn Goby
Gold-specs Jawfish
Shorfin Lionfish,
Zebra Lionfish,
Threadfin Goldie
Polka-dot Cardinalfish
Longspine Cardinalfish
Green Wrasse
Golden Rainbowfish
Red-eyed Wrasse
Wheeler's Prawn Goby
Grammistes Blenny
Yellow-tailed Cleaner
Two-spot Goby
Ladder Glider
Dusky Blenny
Lyre-tail Combtooth Blenny
Leopard Rockskipper
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
Rainford's Goby
Black-rayed Shrimp Goby
Two colored Blenny (Yellow)
Orangemarked Goby
Purpleheaded Wrasse
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Sand Tilefish
Psychedelic Fish,
Blue-spot Blenny
Dragon Wrasse (Adt) M
Yellow-bellied Blue Damsel
Orange-spotted Prawn Goby
Steinitz's Goby
Blue-finned Shrimp Goby
Keyhole Angelfish
Freckletail Angelfish
Eibl's-Eibesfeldt's Pygmy Angelfish
Two colored Angelfish
Longnose Hawkfish
Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish
Yellow-eye Combtooth Blenny
Head-stripe Goby (1000 Island)
Pink & blue Spotted Goby
Spine-cheek Anemonefish M/L
Coral Beauty
Long-nosed Butterflyfish
Harlequin Swetlips
Yellow-tailed Powder-blue Tang
Koran Angelfish (Juv) M
Clown Surgeonfish
Golden Puffer (Black)
Two-spot Goby
Banggai Cardinalfish
Common Clownfish
Blue green Chromis

We hope to see you soon!
Last edit: 29 Oct 2010 09:37 by seahorse (Kealan Doyle).

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30 Oct 2010 09:31 #2 by siocla (Siobhan Cleare)
Hi I ordered some corals online, due to be sent out on Monday, do I get the free urchin with that??

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