Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

5 week old blue blushing angelfish fry

12 Aug 2012 19:10 - 12 Aug 2012 19:12 #1 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea
Last edit: 12 Aug 2012 19:12 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan).

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12 Aug 2012 20:36 #2 by BlueRam (Sean Crowe)
Fair play mate

Hope you are not stuck with them and you can move them on alright

I was stuck with over 100 bue angels at one stage for a long time till i had to pass them on to a LFS for pennys


Sean Crowe

ITFS Member

Location: Navan

Always Remember Surviving Is Not Thriving

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13 Aug 2012 09:53 #3 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
cheers sean,tbh its a pleasure watching them do there thing and watching them growing.some are starting to colour up.im not even joking i spent about 4 hours yesterday looking at them.if im stuck with them il be a happy man the missis would love to see the back of them id say.(",)

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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13 Aug 2012 10:10 #4 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
i can understand why you'd spend so long looking at them so would i, well done mate... what you feeding them on, whats your regime re the food you feed them at this young age, the amount of food fed each day and how many times a day you feed them, and water changes etc.
it would be nice if you did a little article on this for us with pics if i'm being cheeky and i am ;)


ps keep the fish dump the missus lol

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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13 Aug 2012 10:29 #5 by Aquaman (Brian Gillick)
An article would be great as every 2 or 3 weeks im looking at this and ive no idea where to start or what i need:

100L 2 Foot Betta Aquarium & Cabinet For Sale:

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13 Aug 2012 10:34 #6 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
nice fish and fry.... anglecichlid start writing

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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13 Aug 2012 11:56 #7 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)

i can understand why you'd spend so long looking at them so would i, well done mate... what you feeding them on, whats your regime re the food you feed them at this young age, the amount of food fed each day and how many times a day you feed them, and water changes etc.
it would be nice if you did a little article on this for us with pics if i'm being cheeky and i am ;)


ps keep the fish dump the missus lol

cheers. That sounds like a good idea.if i get a hour later il put some thing together. And the thought of dumping the missis has crossed my mind but in all fairness the fish have givin her some peace to watch her soaps. :evil:

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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13 Aug 2012 13:42 #8 by Helen P (Helen Prout)
On the topic of selling Angel fry..,

I spoke to a Polish man recently in Dublin who had been keeping 5 pairs of breeding Angels (until his toddler threw a mobile phone through one of his tanks). He had been selling 600-700, 3 month old, Angel fish to LFS, for between €1-2 each, every month.

Given the amount of work that goes into rearing these guys (unless you are doing it on a grand scale) it really has to be a labour of love.

Personally, I am hoping to trade my guys in for some new fish for my community tank (some Ottos would be nice).

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13 Aug 2012 14:37 #9 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
thats not to bad by the scale of things(no pun intended) and as far as a labour of love i think it must be because i work in animal husbandry and its a hard slog for 8 hours no top of a 16k cycle every day and i havent faultered once when it came to looking after the fry tanks not to mention my the maintainance of my community tank.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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13 Aug 2012 18:36 #10 by ger310 (Ger .)
Fair play mate,looks like you got a kick ass survival rate...how many roughly are in there? and if your buzzing now,i dont know what you will be like in a couple of weeks when they really colour up and they take shape.....And all the best if your selling them


What do you call a three legged Donkey?

A Wonkey....duh ha :)

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13 Aug 2012 18:48 #11 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
cheers ger,if i was to be honest it was your video that gave me the kick in the arse to give it a proper go,so thanks for that mate.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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13 Aug 2012 18:51 #12 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
sorry i got a rough count last night,i counted around 160 170 mark but its hard at the best of times.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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14 Aug 2012 20:01 - 14 Aug 2012 20:02 #13 by des (des)
that's some amount
they're looking really well

nice job

Last edit: 14 Aug 2012 20:02 by des (des).

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16 Aug 2012 16:42 #14 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
tell you what,thats a cracking looking fish,if you are getting them to that stage with the parents your doing well.mine kept eating the spawns before wriggler stage.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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16 Aug 2012 16:44 #15 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)

An article would be great as every 2 or 3 weeks im looking at this and ive no idea where to start or what i need:

tell you what,thats a cracking looking fish,if you are getting them to that stage with the parents your doing well.mine kept eating the spawns before wriggler stage.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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17 Aug 2012 13:24 #16 by Aquaman (Brian Gillick)
Cheers :)

Ive a funny feeling its the other fish in the community tank that are finishing off the little ones as mammy and daddy are VERY protective!
They're in a 5x2x1.5 foot tank with about 30-40 other fish and the 2 angels have everyone else pushed over into a corner LOL :cheer:
Im currently cycling a 100L planted tank to move the 2 angels into so i can see how far i can get the little ones to grow with the parents. Problem is ive no idea how to raise the young i.e. what equipment i should have and how to feed them? :crazy:

100L 2 Foot Betta Aquarium & Cabinet For Sale:

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17 Aug 2012 20:16 #17 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
i take the eggs from the parents a couple of days after there spawned(there great a getting rid of the white eggs)and stick them into a

20ltr tank with fresh treated tap water and a 150w heater set at around 81f and a hang on the back filter(rated at 30 ltrs) with a sponge over the inlet to stop the fry getting sucked in,inject them with few drops of meth blue and stick 5 alder cones in the filter compartment,they should become wrigglers after 2 days and free swimming 4 to 5 days after that.i fed them around a day after that with bbs, as far as feeding is concerned i would hatch a batch of bbs to do 3 good feeds,after the second of those i would start a new batch to overlap the last one so there is always one there,then there is the cleaning,its hassle! but well worth the effort if you stick to your guns,after every feed i would do a water change,so two weekdays and three weekend days,i use a 3ltr jug and air hose line to vacuum the bottom of the tank,take 3ltrs out and 3ltrs treated back in(i would use a 20ltr water cooler bottle filled up and left for 24hrs for this),i done this for 2 weeks and moved them to a 100ltr grow out tank,hope this helps.

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea

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20 Aug 2012 20:55 - 20 Aug 2012 20:59 #18 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan)
just a quick update,there getting big now

Anyone with a aquarium can keep fish,
But it takes real skill to be a fish keeper,

And it's spongeBob,
SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea
Last edit: 20 Aug 2012 20:59 by anglecichlid (ciaran hogan).

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