Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

getting my feet wet again

25 Feb 2015 09:30 #31 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Hey chris yes all fake coral bar 1 are gone now. I dont think i will get an Anemone. I have just purchased a Sarcophyton sp Instead. I also have some more Zoa and poylps coming on friday and a bit more green star polyps. Will post a few pictures when i get a chance :-) Other than that everything is doing good in the tank except for my missing goby. All levels are good now and all fish seem happy and gtetting along.

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26 Feb 2015 13:09 #32 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Tank rescaped for tomorrow and arrival of new softies :-) Toadstool is doing great and looks happy for now :-)

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26 Feb 2015 22:44 #33 by Kmd (Keith mc donagh)
Excellent pics. Some gobys like to jump. Is there a lid on the tank? Or is there filtration at the back of the tank, were he could be hiding. I found mine in an eheim surface skimmer once. He was there for three days, I tore the tank apart lookin for him. I tought he was a gone to fish heaven. Until I turned the surface skimmer off, and out he came, jus a little hungry.

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27 Feb 2015 07:04 #34 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Excellent pics. Some gobys like to jump. Is there a lid on the tank? Or is there filtration at the back of the tank, were he could be hiding. I found mine in an eheim surface skimmer once. He was there for three days, I tore the tank apart lookin for him. I tought he was a gone to fish heaven. Until I turned the surface skimmer off, and out he came, jus a little hungry.

Thanks :-)
I have looked everywhere for him :-) I have checked the hang on overflow. I have a lid so there is no chance of him getting out. I have checked all around the tank just incase he did no sign at all. I have no idea where he is gone. I have nothing in the tank that could eat him and the levels in the tank are good so i cant see that he could be dead. I hope he is still hiding :-) god only knows at this stage.Maybe he will turn up :-)

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27 Feb 2015 22:07 #35 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Coming along nicely bud

Don't worry about the goby trust me he is in their hiding under a rock I had one that when I got him same as ur self gone after 2-3 days never saw it for about 3 wks but one night lights out everything else sleeping their it was swimming around a tiny entrance under a rock, must of been 5 wks before he swam around in the daytime. Only problem was he got to skinny as he was not eating, so when you do see him try target feed him without frightening the Crap out of him lol

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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04 Mar 2015 20:01 #36 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Coming along nicely bud

Don't worry about the goby trust me he is in their hiding under a rock I had one that when I got him same as ur self gone after 2-3 days never saw it for about 3 wks but one night lights out everything else sleeping their it was swimming around a tiny entrance under a rock, must of been 5 wks before he swam around in the daytime. Only problem was he got to skinny as he was not eating, so when you do see him try target feed him without frightening the Crap out of him lol

LOL i am sure that is easier said than done. I have ordered a red light to see if i can manage to have a look some night in the dark. I will hope that he is still there but each day that goes by it looks worse :-( I would be thrilled to see him :-) would make my week.
The tank is doing well other than that.
Little update:
Ammonia 0
No2 0
No3 2 ppm
Po4 0
Ca 450 ppm
Mg 1560 ppm
Ph 8.3
Kh 10
Salinity 1.025
Are these levels acceptale for soft corals with LR AND LS and fish ?

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07 Mar 2015 16:09 #37 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Got a new Anemone from a friend today for 12 euro he said it is a good deal his big one has split 4 times now.

Never seen one in this colour :-) Not sure what type i think is some type of bubble tip.

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08 Mar 2015 11:07 #38 by carlowchris (chris)
Lovely anemone and you got some deal there..usally for that price there tiny....you'll have some fun though watching him for the next week as roams around the tank looking for his perfect spot...

did the goby turn up?????

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08 Mar 2015 11:40 #39 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
No sign of the goby at all. I was looking early this morning with a red light but no luck. With any luck the anemone will stay where he is. I put him in the middle beside a rock and he moved to the corner. Looks like he is attched to the rock in the corner

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08 Mar 2015 16:09 #40 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
It is meant to be a Macrodactyla doreensis Anemone. So not what i first though. If it keeps this colour i was told quite rare.

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08 Mar 2015 21:08 - 08 Mar 2015 21:09 #41 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Quick video from tonight :-)

Last edit: 08 Mar 2015 21:09 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor).

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10 Mar 2015 09:17 #42 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Lovely anemone and you got some deal there..usally for that price there tiny....you'll have some fun though watching him for the next week as roams around the tank looking for his perfect spot...

did the goby turn up?????

Chris you were right last night he up and left his place and decided to go into one of the caves he was in there this morning.
I will post a few pictures of his travels in there later. God only knows where he will be when i come home...

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11 Mar 2015 15:33 #43 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Sorry ro hear the goby hasn't showed up yet

Very nice nem

Your water is perfect bar the mg that's to high how did it get up their, was it a mistaking dosage

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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12 Mar 2015 08:43 #44 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Sorry ro hear the goby hasn't showed up yet

Very nice nem

Your water is perfect bar the mg that's to high how did it get up their, was it a mistaking dosage

I was using a little too much buffering aragamilk and the purple up which raised the mg but it is back down to 1300 now.

It does not matter now its still perfect but my Anemone died and killed all my fish. Woke up to a dead tank this morning bar the soft corals and snails :-( did a 50% water change and came to work have no idea what went wrog as levels were the same as before ......

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12 Mar 2015 11:51 #45 by carlowchris (chris)
Ahhh complete crap.....did ya check the water this morning????and everything ok?????

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12 Mar 2015 15:16 #46 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Jasus no way man!! Sorry for ur loss, that's a nightmare especially when ur just getting the hang of things, can't believe it, I have no knowledge about nems at all so can't really help with any advice, but keep the faith

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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12 Mar 2015 15:58 #47 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Ahhh complete crap.....did ya check the water this morning????and everything ok?????

When i woke this morning looked at the tank and new was a mess and all fish floating dead. Took them all out and tested water and it was fine. All reading were good i have no idea. I was devasted i just changed water and left i could not look at it. I am dredding going home to be honest ...

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12 Mar 2015 21:20 #48 by carlowchris (chris)
Well are ya home yet??? Whats the news?????

There must of been a spike of some kind in your water...any sign of the goby???any chance he's buried himself in somewhere and died and he's caused the spike or did the anemone get caught in powerhead....i know thats abit of a dread story people like to tell but i've heard its rare for that to happen

clowns are preety hardy and well resistant to anemones so if the clowns have died has to be something else going on????

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13 Mar 2015 07:59 #49 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Well are ya home yet??? Whats the news?????

There must of been a spike of some kind in your water...any sign of the goby???any chance he's buried himself in somewhere and died and he's caused the spike or did the anemone get caught in powerhead....i know thats abit of a dread story people like to tell but i've heard its rare for that to happen

clowns are preety hardy and well resistant to anemones so if the clowns have died has to be something else going on????

I got home and checked the water and there was normal levels in the tank again. I was pissed so i said fcuk it and went to the marine store with water for him to check and he said it was exactly what i had tested it to be so i am completely in the dark.I did another 50% water change just incase and have also added carbon in my overflow sump.

I really am truly confused.The levels this mornig were perfect:
Ammonia 0
No2 0
No3 0-1 ppm
Po4 0
Ca 420 ppm
Mg 1240 ppm
Ph 8.3
Kh 10
Salinity 1.025
Temp 25.5 c
Marine store said he will replace all my fish for a good price a friend of mine and he will look out for another nem for me. I will wait a few months until things settel down. Will change another 25% tomorrow and add some new fish. Poor tank looks empty.

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13 Mar 2015 13:05 #50 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Are you using a rodi for your water changes

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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13 Mar 2015 13:15 #51 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)

Are you using a rodi for your water changes

Yes always 0 TDI readings

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04 May 2015 20:44 #52 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Update , after i came back from holiday my tank got wiped out totally again. Lost a fish when i was away and tank never recovered again. All the corals are fine. I have purchased a Red sea max 130 d and it is currently cycling. going to sell the fluval as was part of agreement with the boss woman to get new tank :cool:

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