Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

marine tank with low maintenance

21 Sep 2015 10:12 #1 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Hi, this is my new marine tank, no filters no skimmer, corals growing very fast

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21 Sep 2015 17:26 #2 by SSS (Sion S)
Tell us more :)
Any fish in there?

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22 Sep 2015 02:22 #3 by granocompany (mike gulman)
six line wrasse

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22 Sep 2015 19:50 #4 by carlowchris (chris)
very nice B) B) B)

how big is the tank?????

how long is it running????

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22 Sep 2015 20:44 #5 by granocompany (mike gulman)
tank 900x240x260, running 2 years, 1 year with toad fish,frog fish and macroalgae, 1 year with corals

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22 Sep 2015 20:50 #6 by granocompany (mike gulman)

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23 Sep 2015 08:38 #7 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Very nice!

Just curious how you can run the tank with no filtration?


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25 Sep 2015 10:05 - 25 Sep 2015 10:15 #8 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks Tomas, live rocks do all job for me, macro algae take out nitrite and phosphate. I have lots of pictures but can't post here,I have to resize image, will check and post. My corals multiply and grow, I have even small like eggs LPS coral.
My second tank with soft corals the same project . I got pink cauliflower - bush coral, this is non photosynthetic and coral grow with new polyps
Last edit: 25 Sep 2015 10:15 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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25 Sep 2015 10:54 #9 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Very interesting. It seems you know your stuff!

I used to have marine tank but got rid of it while ago.

BTW you can use photobucket to upload photos and just share the links (limit 2 per post)


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29 Sep 2015 19:42 - 29 Sep 2015 19:53 #10 by granocompany (mike gulman)

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Last edit: 29 Sep 2015 19:53 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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29 Sep 2015 21:48 #11 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Gotta love the night look! Absolutely stunning.

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01 Oct 2015 13:05 #12 by granocompany (mike gulman)
thanks I will post some tonight

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03 Oct 2015 09:55 #13 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Hi, it is like a dog rather than a fish, whenever I move it follows me around.

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10 Oct 2015 09:38 #14 by granocompany (mike gulman)
another tank, pulsing xenya overgrow

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10 Oct 2015 09:52 - 10 Oct 2015 09:53 #15 by granocompany (mike gulman)

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new non photosynthetic coral doing very well, new polyps growing, but have to feed fish tank

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Last edit: 10 Oct 2015 09:53 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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10 Oct 2015 11:08 #16 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)

Hi, it is like a dog rather than a fish, whenever I move it follows me around.

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What's that? Looks like hybrid of frog, fish and coral :laugh:
Weird in nice way


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10 Oct 2015 13:21 #17 by granocompany (mike gulman)
I dont know Tom, but I like him, my daughter say he scares her

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10 Oct 2015 18:31 #18 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Ya I can imagine :laugh:

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11 Oct 2015 05:14 #19 by granocompany (mike gulman)
before go to bed the better to watch this tank

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11 Oct 2015 08:51 #20 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)

before go to bed the better to watch this tank

Lol I'm speechless. Is that time lapse or normal speed of pulsing?

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11 Oct 2015 12:30 #21 by granocompany (mike gulman)
it is normal speed of pulsing, real natural marine tank and video, no skimmer, filter and no drops just ,, rain'' drops from the lid and wave maker

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11 Oct 2015 12:39 #22 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Cool. Could watch them for hours!

What it needs to have them thriving without filtration. Light, food, companions, water changes and parameters etc.?

Thinking of setting up small tank :)

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12 Oct 2015 09:28 #23 by granocompany (mike gulman)
For me very easy, just tank from 20l- any light, better one bulb T5, crushed live rock at the bottom, no sand and run with one wave maker, no light for a few weeks because you will get algae problems in future. Nitrate 0,5 phosphate 0, KH 8-10r . Snails and fish to clean rocks, for small tank may be jewel blenny , water change 20% per munth, after that I will give you them. They can be with any corals but not with stars polyps very close

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12 Oct 2015 16:37 #24 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
Sound easy enough :laugh:

Is really any light suitable? I have 10w LED white&blue would that do the job? what about water temperature? I have 2 wave makers from previous marine set up 1600l/h and 3000l/h. What do they feed on, any suplements?

Sorry for all the question.


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13 Oct 2015 08:34 #25 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Hi Tom, they eat any small fish corals food you can mix with salt water ones a week or more, no supplements. Give me tank height, my is 28 cm height and aquaray 12 w LED ,any wave makers OK but point to the top of the tank not to them, temperature 25-26, they can except lower for short time. Get rocks from 1-5cm and there will be a lot of food for them in future

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13 Oct 2015 16:36 #26 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)
I have one 40cm tall but it's full now. It will be a while before I set up the tank. At least I have time to think it through.

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14 Oct 2015 08:55 #27 by granocompany (mike gulman)
I think LED 10W and 1 bulb T5 for 40 cm tall tank will be OK for soft or LPS but not for SPS. My pulsing xenia pulsing all time before light on at the morning or with blue LED evening

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29 Oct 2015 15:15 #28 by granocompany (mike gulman)
hi, just have a look how dangerous snail can be

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14 Nov 2015 11:18 #29 by granocompany (mike gulman)

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some new pictures of my tanks without skimmer

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14 Nov 2015 11:27 #30 by granocompany (mike gulman)
My new fish, no trouble at the moment... Is some body had more experience to keep this fish with corals?

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