Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

marine tank with low maintenance

19 Nov 2015 21:39 #31 by Mc Paul (Paul)
The filefish can eat zoas, anemones of his starving.

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22 Nov 2015 10:38 - 27 Dec 2015 10:01 #32 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks, file fish try to eat blastomussa coral and back to shop now. This is my new coral, doing very well but need a lots of feeding. My tank has no filter or skimmer and I like very clean water but the coral is nice
Last edit: 27 Dec 2015 10:01 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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24 Nov 2015 15:01 #33 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)

Nice tank man, I had a similar type of coral, it require a lot of food as well which was driving my nitrates up, I couldnt keep up with the feeding so I had to let it go... hope you have better luck with it!

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28 Nov 2015 16:45 - 27 Dec 2015 10:02 #34 by granocompany (mike gulman)
yes, require a lot of food!
Last edit: 27 Dec 2015 10:02 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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28 Nov 2015 16:53 #35 by granocompany (mike gulman)
those small fish I kept in this tank and can't find any better

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25 Dec 2015 12:50 #36 by granocompany (mike gulman)
hi, this is my new video of the blastomussa, some polyps can get 7 cm, very easy to keep this coral

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27 Dec 2015 10:06 #37 by granocompany (mike gulman)
New fish in my tank, just a few weeks and it is doing very well

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27 Dec 2015 10:46 #38 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Looking good!

Its good to see the tank doing so well,

What LPSs do you have?

I use to have caulerpa growing in my tank, they look great but they are toxic to some corals such as the elegance so I had to take it out.

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27 Dec 2015 22:18 #39 by helix8008 (Tomas Novak)

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30 Dec 2015 17:00 #40 by granocompany (mike gulman)
I grow metallic green favia, red, orange and green Australian blastomussa wellsi, can swap for rainbow or blue blast or favia. How do you know that caulerpa is toxic to your corals? Sometime I have my corals like in the forest with different caulerpa, they can fight but nobody vin

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30 Dec 2015 21:35 - 30 Dec 2015 21:36 #41 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)

I read it some time ago while I was reading about my elegance and how to make it happier. At that time I had caulerpa mexicana growing in my tank

I can't find the original post, but I remember he lost his elegance due to this, it is not that the caulerpa will attack it is that caulerpa tends to lose bits and if any of these bits land on the elegance it will damage it and could kill it.

Some reference to this here


From that page

Aggressive; needs careful placement. Will be damaged by algae, such as Caulerpa, as well as by other large-polyped corals.

Shame I can't find the other post, I came across it while reading about the elegance care, and it was not specific to the elegance/caulerpa compatibility but more general to the coral itself and how to keep it happy etc
Last edit: 30 Dec 2015 21:36 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez).

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30 Dec 2015 22:28 #42 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks for replay. Very interesting! I never kept elegance coral because it can be aggressive and I have only nano tanks with lots of corals. Do not quote me, can elegance coral kill aiptasia ?
From my experience star polyps can kill brain LPS and pylsing xenia

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30 Dec 2015 22:50 #43 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
No worries, the first time I bought my elegance I was told to be careful as it was very aggressive towards other corals, but to be honest, at least mine is not that bad. Yes it will sting other corals, some will counter back others will just retract, for instance, zoas will close and with time, if you dont move the elegance it will likely kill them but this is a slow process.

I also had my elegance close to a hammer coral and the often touch but that's about it. Normally they both contract their tentacles a bit and thats the end of the story, same with the star polyps, basically, they just sting each other and thats it.

From my experience, unfortunately, it wont kill aiptasia, I had a problem with them in my previous tank and I just couldnt get rid of them. In the end I just move most of the corals out, quarantine the rest and dry the live rock...

My elegance is definitively my favorite coral, its a looker, when I bought it, it was probably around 10 cm wide, it didnt take long to over grow my nano taking more than half of the total length, now it is about 35 cm when fully extended. I stopped feeding it because it has now again overtaken my 200 liter aquarium... but it is absolutely beautiful!

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31 Dec 2015 08:39 - 14 Feb 2016 19:01 #44 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks for replay. I try to get only peaceful corals. My tanks without skimmers, filters. I have 45 LPS corals in 90 l, all grow, multiplay and feel very well. I feed them with frozen food and they love it
this is the video

Have You ever tried to feed corals with dry food, i got a big trouble, can't sent video, will make a picture and post
I had trouble with aiptasia and file fish cleaned all of them. I trained him, put frozen food on the top of the aiptasia, but if no food for him hi will go to the corals
Last edit: 14 Feb 2016 19:01 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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31 Dec 2015 09:11 - 31 Dec 2015 09:12 #45 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Beautiful coral

I ran mine without skimmers for a while, just doing water changes at first and then, once my algae population grew only did water changes once a month.

I have recently put the skimmer back on and due to the amount of algae in my aquarium it really doesnt do much but it helps oxigenates the water hence why I am using it. My next tank will be maintenance free, no skimmer, no water changes... its going to make life much easier for me

Never tried dry food, in fact, I barely feed my corals, mostly because I dont want them to grow too much yet, so they just get the nutrients in the water and whatever it is left of the fish food. Except for the anemone which I feed around once a week, just to keep her happy-ish

I had trouble feeding corals in the past, my two skunk shrimps will always try to get the food, they were very annoying specially to the anemone, but one day the anemone got them so I guess they should have seen that coming!

Now feeding the tank is so much easier! I will not be getting any more of those in my new tank, I found the just annoy the tank way too much, crabs are more than sufficient, and a few snails.

I use to have a file fish, thinking it would get rid of my aiptasia, but they were too big for him, so he ended up eating my Xenias, which I didnt mind as they are a bit of a pest as well and they had taken over the tank.

Wont be getting any more fish or corals until the new tank is up and running
Last edit: 31 Dec 2015 09:12 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez).

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03 Jan 2016 21:22 #46 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks for replay. I have three nano tanks, all of them without skimmers or filters. I never clean barrel bottom of my tanks. Some time i feed a lot, sometime no feeding when go on holiday. I have glass lids on the top of the tanks and no evaporation. I tried no water change for 6 month just control KH, no problems. Now I change water ones per month and clean front glass ones per week. LPS, Soft corals grow very fast. Every body can try it, for me it is very easy and low cost.
This is my new video, my favorite electric red mushrooms take over the tank and can touch blastomussa coral? The better don't let them?


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10 Jan 2016 21:35 #47 by Lakes1985 (David Ward)
Beautiful goby! What type is it? I think I want one when I'm adding fish

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25 Jan 2016 15:30 #48 by ceech (Desmond Gaynor)
Could you get a video up of the whole tank please ? and fish and corals in one go and how you have it setup lights ect

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14 Feb 2016 12:17 - 14 Feb 2016 18:58 #49 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Thanks for replay and sorry for the late replay, it was no internet
This is the pink spotted goby. I have 4 tanks. Goby and pulsing xenia coral tank T5 marine white, LPS corals tank aguaray fuji blue and reef blue LED, 8-10 hours per day. All tanks has no filters or skimmers. I am waiting for new camera, will make video of the whole tank and post
Last edit: 14 Feb 2016 18:58 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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14 Feb 2016 12:26 #50 by granocompany (mike gulman)
some pictures of my new blastomussa corals




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14 Feb 2016 14:21 #51 by robert (robert carter)
wow beautiful

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14 Feb 2016 18:47 - 14 Feb 2016 18:56 #52 by granocompany (mike gulman)
red blastomussa

orange blastomussa

Last edit: 14 Feb 2016 18:56 by granocompany (mike gulman).

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24 Feb 2016 21:52 #53 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Fascinating stuff here it's one of them tanks that can only be 100% appreciated when you see it person, hint hint hahaha

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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24 Feb 2016 22:29 #54 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Jeff's back! woo hoo! ;)

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25 Feb 2016 22:15 #55 by jeff (Jeff Scully)

Jeff's back! woo hoo! ;)

B) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Cheers bud, we have loads of catching up to do and looking forward to it

I'm still wandering around the forum so hopefully il come across one of ur updates see how u and the tank are doing ;)

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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25 Feb 2016 22:23 #56 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Def bud

I got a big one coming... lots of stuff happening soon :)

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25 Feb 2016 22:40 #57 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Excellent can't wait

If you need a hand with anything at all gis a buzz be more than happy to help if I can

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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24 Mar 2016 10:21 #58 by granocompany (mike gulman)
Yes, if the space is too small and there isnt sufficient amount of food there.

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29 Apr 2016 19:41 #59 by jeff (Jeff Scully)
Hi what sort of camera are you using

Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.

A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.

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04 May 2016 07:29 #60 by granocompany (mike gulman)

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