Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Filter with UV lamp

10 Jan 2010 23:02 #1 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
on browsing the Net I found offers for external filters with build in UV lamp. What do you think about it? The lamp can be turned on and off. What capacity should I consider for my tank (it's 84 l). I though about the model of 1400 lph but I don't know if it is too strong. These filters do not have any regulation of the filtrated water volume.

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10 Jan 2010 23:32 #2 by glassworks (keith)
if the filter has a canister mostly white in colour i have one of them,using it along with an eheim thermo external on a 600litre tank,both filters are rated for 600litre tanks,the flow isnt as good as eheim,but i cant fault it really,ha and for 75euro delivered its not too hard on the pocket.i have it running for over a year now,think the name was "sun sun".bottom line,a good filter but they reckon you get what you pay for.

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11 Jan 2010 05:57 #3 by Frontosa (Tim kruger)
have a look at www.sera.de .The site comes in english aswell.In my opinion the Sera fil bioactive 130+Uv would be a good choice for you.

Midlands - in the heart of Ireland.

Keeping and breeding : Frontosa Blue Zaires , Synodontis Petricola , Tropheus Red Rainbow (Kasanga) , Tropheus Moliro . Regulary fry for sale.
Community tank with P.Kribensis and different livebearers.

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11 Jan 2010 13:27 #4 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
I bought one some time ago from Aquatic Village, never gave any problems, it's hard to gauge their effectiveness because the problems they solve are invisible, however, they are recommended and worth trying.


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13 Jan 2010 09:04 #5 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
Thanks a million. The one I'm thinking about is this white one (sun sun). Glassworks, how big is your tank? And if the stream is not so strong maybe it's better to take 800 or 1000 but they do not have UV lamps? Only the model 1400 and 2000 lph are supplied with lamps. And the question is: wouldn't it be too strong for me?
Tim, sera supplies very good product but I cannot spend more than 100 euros at the moment... or maybe I will wait for a while to collect money... By the way the picture they put to describe this small filter refers to the biggest one. :( I checked it on e-shops (I always try to double check information - just a habit :) ) and their descriptions were that 300 model had only 2 media buckets while the biggest one - 4.

Is it really so important to have 4 media buckets? Would it be enough to have 2 even if I change the tank for a bigger one?

Oh, I hate to have so many doubts.... :angry:

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13 Jan 2010 16:51 - 13 Jan 2010 16:52 #6 by Viperbot (Jason Hughes)
May I ask why you want a filter with a uv lamp built in? Are you having problems like green water or something?


Location: Finglas, North Dublin.

may not be the party we hoped for, but while we
are here we might as well dance.
Last edit: 13 Jan 2010 16:52 by Viperbot (Jason Hughes).

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13 Jan 2010 17:00 - 13 Jan 2010 17:03 #7 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
Hi Katherine,

I just bought a UV Filter from Seahorse Aquariums, dunno how good they are, info is scarce but a few said they did what they were supposed to do.


Anyone know about these?

Last edit: 13 Jan 2010 17:03 by stretnik (stretnik).

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13 Jan 2010 18:48 #8 by Frontosa (Tim kruger)
stretnik wrote:

Hi Katherine,

I just bought a UV Filter from Seahorse Aquariums, dunno how good they are, info is scarce but a few said they did what they were supposed to do.


Anyone know about these?


Hi Kev,
they are a polish company.They might be not as famous than Eheim,Fluval...but they do their job.I have a tank made by them-very good finish on it.

Midlands - in the heart of Ireland.

Keeping and breeding : Frontosa Blue Zaires , Synodontis Petricola , Tropheus Red Rainbow (Kasanga) , Tropheus Moliro . Regulary fry for sale.
Community tank with P.Kribensis and different livebearers.

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13 Jan 2010 19:50 #9 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
Cheers Tim.

Ifeel a bit better now, any pics of your Tank?


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13 Jan 2010 21:29 #10 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
Hi Kev,
It's said to be a new product. To compare prices it's better to go to www.allegro.pl (Polish e-bay). Fish section (ryby) is in Dom i Ogród (Home and Garden) Zwierzęta (animals) then aquatics (akwarystyka)and then you can find following:
1)akwaria i zestawy (fish tanks and ready sets)
- akwaria (aquariums)
- zestawy (sets)
2)chemia i nawozy - chemists and fertilizers
- leki - medicines
- nawozy - fertilizers
- testy - tests
- uzdatnianie wody - water treatment
- pozostałe - other
3) morska - marina
- akcesoria - acesories
- zwierzęta i rośliny - animals and plants
4) pokarmy - food
- dla krewetek - for shrimps
- opakowania oryginalne - original packages
- opakowania uzupełniające - refills
- dla ryb - for fish
- opakowania oryginalne - original packages
- opakowania uzupełniające - refills
- inne pokarmy - other food
5) rośliny akwariowe - plants
- sztuczne - atrificial
- Żywe - live
6)szafki, regały - furniture
7) wyposażenie akwariów - aquarium equipment
- filtry - filters
- wewnętrzne - internal
- zewnętrzne - external
- części i wkłady - parts and inserts
- napowietrzacze - oxigenation
- odmulacze i czyściki - s;ome elimination and cleaners
- ogrzewanie i temperatura - heating and temperature
- oswietlenie i pokrywy - lighting and covers
- podłoża, tła i ozdoby - gravel, background and ornaments
- korzenie i ozdoby - roots and ornaments
- podłoża - gravel/substrates
- tła - background
- technika CO2 - CO2 technics
- pozostałe - other
8) zwierzęta akwariowe - aquarium animals
- słodkowodne - freshwater
9) literatura i filmy - books and movies
- czasopisma i broszury - magazines and leaflets
- książki - books
- pozostałe -other
10)pozostałe - other

Here is the link to the AquaEl filter 500 with UV lamp.: allegro.pl/item872748449_aquael_unimax_5..._plus_uv9w_wawa.html

Here is the link to the company web site: www.aquael.com it's in English.

Generally, they have good reputation on our market and even now my friend brought their filter (internal one) to Ireland. It was recommended to him. As far as I know all major international producers are present in our market. AquaEl's products are not the cheapest one. But I cannot say anything else at the moment - I do not have any experience in this field. I can ask on Polish forums for their opinions if you wish.

By the way - how much did you pay for this filter? Is it really 13.5 kg as it is stated in the allegro's offer? I think they included some additional media to it.

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13 Jan 2010 21:37 #11 by glassworks (keith)
the tank is a six foot 600litre tank,you could always cut the outlet from the filter and stick a tap on it to regulate flow,that way you have a filter thats more than capable for most tanks and youre in control of the flow,its not a maasive flow anyway.id go for it anyway,im neaely sure mine is the 2000lph filter,well worth the money,unless you come across a well known brand second hand.from my experience with the sun sun brand,limited as it is,id give them 8 out of 10.

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13 Jan 2010 21:43 #12 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
Oh Lord - it doesn't read Polish letters:
pozostale - others ł is L
zwierzęta i rośliny = zwierzeta i rosliny
opakowania uzupełniające - refills = opakowania uzupelniajace
rośliny akwariowe - plants = rosliny akwariowe
Żywe - live = zywe
szafki, regały - furniture = szfki, regaly
wyposażenie akwariów - aquarium equipment = wyposazenie akwariow
wewnętrzne - internal = wewnetrzne
- zewnętrzne - external = zewnetrzne
- części i wkłady - parts and inserts = czesci i wklady
odmulacze i czyściki - slime elimination and cleaners = odmulacze i czysciki
podłoża, tła i ozdoby - gravel, background and ornaments = podloza, tla i ozdoby
podłoża - gravel/substrates = podloza
- tła - background = tla
8) zwierzęta akwariowe - aquarium animals = zwierzeta akwariowe
- słodkowodne - freshwater - slodkowodne

- książki - books = ksiazki
- pozostałe -other = pozostale
Hope it will work now.

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13 Jan 2010 21:45 #13 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
Hi Katherine,

Thanks for the information, I love the feel of this Filter, it feels and looks very solidly built, it has two foam inserts and the neatest thing is that the uv lights, 2 of them are built into the powerhead and are Leds , now I'm not sure I've ever seen anything about ultraviolet Leds but hey,
technology is always changing so let's see.

Maintenence looks easy and the Impeller is the easiest to remove that I have ever seen.

It is heavy I'll admit, about half a kilo or so. There is no other media included but I feel you could adapt it to suit your requirements.

It cost 64.99 for the 750 version.



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13 Jan 2010 22:15 #14 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
Thanks a million.

If it's only 65 euros I'm in my budget!! And when I put a tap or a flow regulator on the pipes and it'll work - I will achieve the goal! And nearly unlimited access to spare parts!! And I'll be supporting Irish retailer and Polish producer (don't forget about distributors on the way) = European economics!! :laugh:

Kev is it really with UV lamp? The price that is given on allegro.pl is PLN 640.00 (160 euro) for the 500 model. I'm really surprised. They used to have the lowest prices...

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13 Jan 2010 22:20 #15 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
Hi K,

Do u want a pic, it may help?
I got it from The Seahorse Aquariums guys today, and yep it is UV 750.
The bad news is they are sold out because of my purchase but I'm sure they can re order.


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13 Jan 2010 22:29 #16 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
If you could take some pics of the box, I'll try to read what's written on it. I am coming to Dublin on Saturday and wanted to go to Seahors just to have a look at this filter and to buy it. I'll call them to make sure they can order it.

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13 Jan 2010 22:51 - 13 Jan 2010 22:58 #17 by stretnik (stretnik)
Replied by stretnik (stretnik) on topic Re:Filter with UV lamp
Here you go K,

The last 2 are of the impeller housing with the cover on and then off, the one with the cover off shows the leds either side of the impeller itself.
I hope this helps you.


Last edit: 13 Jan 2010 22:58 by stretnik (stretnik).

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13 Jan 2010 23:44 #18 by Katherine (Katarzyna Glebocka)
It's internal filter - I thought you bought an external one and therefore I was so surprise.

Here is the link at allegro.pl to your filter: allegro.pl/item877120054_aquael_filtr_un...etrzny_gwarancj.html

So, it keeps the average price for this kind of filters considering that the cost of posting a parcel from Poland would be nearly equal to it's price. But as I mentioned they had good reputation and I hope you'll be very satisfied with it. My friend brought the filter 'from the same range' as yours (lower flow) and is very satisfied. It's something a week old, working very good and cleaning dirty water (too dirty) in his tank.

So, I'll stay with SunSun product as I'd love to have an external one. :( Just to have more room in the tank.

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