Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin


14 Jan 2013 20:56 - 15 Jan 2013 00:43 #1 by des (des)
Livebearers was created by des (des)
I love the ould Livebearers, so I do
They're cool little Fish
I've been just letting Endlers Breed away in a 120 litre Tank for a good while now, It never gets old, still puts a big smile on My face when They start to colour up
It's now become a bit of a mix of Livebearers of all description...
so anyway, They're all showing lovely colours and I said I'd take a few Snaps


Last edit: 15 Jan 2013 00:43 by des (des).

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15 Jan 2013 00:41 #2 by des (des)
Replied by des (des) on topic Livebearers
I picked a few Pix I liked out of the bunch
lovely Fish, stunning colours...
They Photograph very well when You can catch Them...


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15 Jan 2013 08:21 #3 by sebcity (Ronan Healy)
Replied by sebcity (Ronan Healy) on topic Livebearers
Hi Des,

Great photo's, cool fish!
Are the endlers for sale by any chance?


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15 Jan 2013 12:31 #4 by SpiderMonkey (Mark O'Neill)
Great pic's Des, Are the rice fish breeding for you aswell


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15 Jan 2013 20:35 #5 by des (des)
Replied by des (des) on topic Livebearers

Hi Des,

Great photo's, cool fish!
Are the endlers for sale by any chance?


Hi Ronan

They're cool Fish alright, I've gone Livebearer mad this last while...
unfortunately none of the Endlers or any of the others are for sale
These are from My own collection of Fish at Home but We have loads of Endlers available in Work (MaxiZoo, Finglas) at the moment, Males and Females
there are also loads of other Livebearers currently available, like guppies, mollies, platy, swordtail, ricefish, mosquito livebearers, dusky million fish, black chin metallic livebearers, goodeids...

I only Breed Livebearers for fun, I don't generally sell them, If at any stage I do, I'll keep You in Mind...


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15 Jan 2013 20:39 #6 by des (des)
Replied by des (des) on topic Livebearers

Great pic's Des, Are the rice fish breeding for you aswell


Cheers Mark

They haven't Bred yet but there just in the community Tank for the moment
I'll be putting 6 Ricefish only in a 30 litre Tank soon to give it a go...


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15 Jan 2013 20:45 #7 by Q_Comets (Declan Chambers)
They Photograph very well when You can catch Them...

They just will not stay still :crazy: what is wrong with just stopping for a quick pose

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15 Jan 2013 21:46 #8 by sebcity (Ronan Healy)
Replied by sebcity (Ronan Healy) on topic Livebearers

Hi Des,

Great photo's, cool fish!
Are the endlers for sale by any chance?


Hi Ronan

They're cool Fish alright, I've gone Livebearer mad this last while...
unfortunately none of the Endlers or any of the others are for sale
These are from My own collection of Fish at Home but We have loads of Endlers available in Work (MaxiZoo, Finglas) at the moment, Males and Females
there are also loads of other Livebearers currently available, like guppies, mollies, platy, swordtail, ricefish, mosquito livebearers, dusky million fish, black chin metallic livebearers, goodeids...

I only Breed Livebearers for fun, I don't generally sell them, If at any stage I do, I'll keep You in Mind...


Was just after the endlers as I'm after setting up a nano tank so was trying to keep the fish pretty small as well as interesting!!
So was looking at endlers, ember tetras, emerald eye rasbora or red pencil fish!
I'll have to pop in to the shop so and take a look"

Thanks for the feedback!

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16 Jan 2013 09:50 #9 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
Very nice. It's hard to beat the energy and color of the livebearers.

Are those Daisy's Ricefish, Oryzias woworae? They look great, would be interesting to hear how they get on in their own tank.


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16 Jan 2013 16:02 #10 by des (des)
Replied by des (des) on topic Livebearers

Very nice. It's hard to beat the energy and color of the livebearers.

Are those Daisy's Ricefish, Oryzias woworae? They look great, would be interesting to hear how they get on in their own tank.


Hey Andreas

Yeah, they are Oryzias woworae, cool Fish, full of life and surprisingly colourful when settled in...
should be interesting when they go in to their new tank...


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16 Jan 2013 22:58 #11 by Tigger (Abe Bardez)
Replied by Tigger (Abe Bardez) on topic Livebearers
well done des! the fish look cool!

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24 Jan 2013 22:13 #12 by buddy (derek)
Replied by buddy (derek) on topic Livebearers
Really beautiful fish.i had them guppies before but forgot there name, could you tell me their name.

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24 Jan 2013 23:18 #13 by des (des)
Replied by des (des) on topic Livebearers
Hey Buddy

If it's these Guys You're talking about, they are called Endlers


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25 Jan 2013 21:11 #14 by pit (Piotr Urbanski)
Replied by pit (Piotr Urbanski) on topic Livebearers
Great fish, when i started with aquarium most of my friends had Endlers, but how to say...? Like first wersion which wasn't so colourful but was very strong (resistant?). In Poland we called them "peacock eye" :)

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