Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Bad few days of fish keeping

25 Feb 2008 20:19 - 25 Feb 2008 20:26 #1 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
Hi lads,

Over the past few days I've lost 5x Large Angelfish, an 8\" Bala shark, 3x Parrotfish 1xFiremouth Cichilid, a Syno and a 4\" barb.

A couple of weeks ago I purchased 5 Parrotfish. 3 went into a 460 Litre tank in the kitchen, 2 to the 5ft in the living room.

The fish seemed to go a bit pale at first, but then colored up again. A few days later I bought 2x Oscars, a Firemouth and a Syno.

These fish went into the 460 litre with the 3 Parrot fish, all was grand, all were eating.

Last week on thursday or friday the parrotfish seemed to be stressed out, swimming up to one corner of the tank, all nudging each other as if trying to get out of the way of the spray bar. They had no visible signs of illness so I decided to move them into the 5ft in the living room (this was the final nail in the coffin, I believe). The next day, one of the parrot fish in the living room tank were dead. I went to look in the 460 litre and found the Syno dead and the Oscars pale with clouded/glazed over eyes. I did an immediate 50% or more water change on both tanks. Later on in the day all 3 of the parrotfish I had moved were dead. The oscars eyes had already cleared up but the Firemouth was still on the bottom, not breathing heavy, just looking stressed, on another note before I went to bed I looked at the tank in the living room and the fish seemed like they werent as bad anymore (the bala shark was fine), I planned on doing another water change the next morning (Sunday). I got up to find the Bala shark completely off color, really pale and his eyes clouded and his face/gills were light red. I also noticed another Angelfish with glazed over eyes. I did a 50% water change again. No fish died early in the day but late at night fish that seemed fine earlier ( 4 inch barb, he was same as always, not off color etc) but now he was totally pale and his eyes clouded over too. Then angel after angel started to go down to the bottom/get glazed over eyes and die. The balashark ended up going upside down on the gravel then going upright and swimming around for a while, then he died upside down on the bottom.5 of the Angelfish died and the barb died. I also have rosy barbs in the tank, these seem unaffected as well as the corys in the tank. Now the remaining parrot fish in the tank are up in a corner, one behind the other and look as if they're nudging each other up out of the water, with 2 others on the bottom. I obviously passed over whatever has caused with when I moved the 3 Parrot fish over. My question is has anyone got any idea what disease this is by the symptoms? Going pale, eyes clouding, going down to the bottom etc. I also noticed a silver dollar was unaffected by all this and 2 clown loach have their dorsals down and look stressed, on closer inspection they seem to have some white over them, not like ich or white spot, almost like mucas in places. I tested the ammonia and nitrite over the couple of days and got 0 on both counts in each of the tanks. I also had Rainbow rock in the tank the original parrot fish came from, this is now out. Today the oscars are fine and eating, eyes no longer clouded. Corys etc, Silverdollar are fine with the clown loach still looking stressed(occasionally hitting themselves off the gravel, obviously irritated by something) and the parrot fish as above. I made a terrible mistake moving the parrot fish and am gutted that I killed so many fish in doing so. Any input would be much appreciated on what treatment I could use, and what disease this might be or whatever else it might be.


Last edit: 25 Feb 2008 20:26 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan).

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25 Feb 2008 21:49 #2 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
Hi Tom,
Sorry to hear about the losses, its hell when it happens, judgeing by your descriptions of the symptoms i would guess that your fish are affected by an ecoparasitic infection(protozoan or skin fluke) for your remaining fish i would reccommend using an ectoparasite remedy, if it is more onto the skin flukes side (you might have noticed something besides mucus on the sides of the fish) then consider praziquantel @10mg/litre for a 3 hour bath..
Hope this helps

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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25 Feb 2008 21:56 #3 by KenS (Ken Simpson)
You could try Waterlife Protozin. I've found it very effective fot skin fluke type diseases.



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25 Feb 2008 22:02 #4 by JohnH (John)
I'm sorry for you and your such bad luck but this doesn't sound like a disease thing to me, more environmental.
Did you check your pH, could it be the dreaded 'crash'? How about the water you were replacing with? How was that from a water-check point of view?
Do you have any Poly Filter stuff? That can often help in both removing water impurities but also is good at indicating inconsistencies in your water, I'm no expert on this - over to you Daragh or Darren, or any other users of it...has your tap water tasted a little 'off' of late? - I'm probably way off line here, but have you used a partial amount of water from the hot tap? That can be very harmful too.

It is so difficult to make suggestions here, but if in doubt, change water (assuming it's alright) is always my watchword.
Sorry I cannot be more positive or of more assistance.

I hope things settle down for you.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

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It's a long way to Tipperary.

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25 Feb 2008 22:23 #5 by ChrisM (ChrisM)
Replied by ChrisM (ChrisM) on topic Re:Bad few days of fish keeping
I agree with John.From your description it was a hard and fast wipeout.AFAIK parasites dont act this fast.Bacterial infections that attack the kidneys and other internal organs usually lead to clouded eyes or popeye etc but again I havent seen or heard of such fast acting bacteria.

In the case of poisoning,damage to these organs could have the same effects as bacterial infection.If I had to say Id guess water poisoning.

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25 Feb 2008 22:36 #6 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
Thanks for the replies lads. The water hasn't tasted any different than usual, and things seemed to improve when I'd done a water change. I hadn't done a water change in a couple of days on the tank I'd put the parrot fish into, if it was water poisoning would they have passed it onto the other fish before they died? I'm afraid I haven't got any polyfilter. I'll see tomorrow if the petshop here has any. In the rush to try and save the fish I never tested the tap water,I hadn't done a water change on the tanks in a few days before this happened so I didn't think the water was the culprit. I'll do 2 more 50% water changes tomorrow, is there any broad spectrum treatment I could add to the tank to try and help at all?



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26 Feb 2008 02:56 - 26 Feb 2008 02:57 #7 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
Looks as though there may be a case of fin rot in the tank containing the oscars now, or is part of whatever is killing the fish. Despite this the oscars seem ok and are eating/swimming up to be fed etc.
Last edit: 26 Feb 2008 02:57 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan).

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26 Feb 2008 08:24 - 26 Feb 2008 08:26 #8 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
I was up during the night and had a look in the tank containing the oscars/silver dollar. In the space of about 4 hours the silver dollar has 3 cotton wool like spots on his side, and appears to have fin rot. I have no idea what to start treating, or what to treat with. I'm going to do two 50% water changes now.
Last edit: 26 Feb 2008 08:26 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan).

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26 Feb 2008 10:55 #9 by nonie (leonie troy)
Hi TomNolan, Sorry to hear about your troubles. regarding the silverdollar I would recommend putting him in quarantine so the other fish are not effected. It sounds like a fungus known as Columnaris on the fish and can be treated with medications e.g. methylene blue available in most petshops. Hope this helps!!

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26 Feb 2008 13:17 #10 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
I've treated both tanks with Methylene blue now, before hand I changed 50% of water from each. I've done all I can now, time to wait and see what happens. :(

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26 Feb 2008 14:51 #11 by ChrisM (ChrisM)
Replied by ChrisM (ChrisM) on topic Re:Bad few days of fish keeping
MEth BLue will seriously effect your nitrifying process so monitor ammonia and nitrite.Columnaris is a bacteria and would not take hold so quickly in a tank.

It is often mistaken for a fungal infection because of its mold-like lesions.Columnaris is a common bacterial infection in cultured fish, particularly livebearing fish and catfish. Its name is derived from columnar shaped bacteria, which are present in virtually all aquarium environments.
The bacteria are most likely to infect fish that have been stressed by such conditions as poor water quality, inadequate diet, or handling and shipping. Columnaris can enter the fish through the gills, mouth, or via small wounds on the skin. The disease is highly contagious and may be spread through contaminated nets, specimen containers, and even food.

Columnaris can be external or internal and may follow a chronic or acute course. Lesions in chronic cases progress slowly, taking many days before culminating in fish death.

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27 Feb 2008 13:53 #12 by nonie (leonie troy)
ChrisM - quoting from the same article which you took from freshaquarium.about.com/cs/disease/p/columnaris.htm

\"In acute cases the lesions spread quickly, often wiping out entire populations of fish within hours. High water temperatures accelerate the progression of the disease; however lowering the water temp will not affect the outcome of the disease.\"

IMO if it starts internally it may go unnoticed but can kill fish very quickly - something I have experienced in the past.

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27 Feb 2008 15:54 #13 by ChrisM (ChrisM)
Replied by ChrisM (ChrisM) on topic Re:Bad few days of fish keeping
Very fair point but it doesnt apply in this case.

My question is has anyone got any idea what disease this is by the symptoms? Going pale, eyes clouding, going down to the bottom etc.

The lesions came as a secondary infection (probably fungal) and only manifested after the above syptoms first appeared.This rules out acute and chronic columnaris like bacteria as the direct disease imo.

Although it is possible in my experiences I never saw columnaris manifest itself this way.My guess is a case of water contaminants weakening the immune systems then bacterial infections getting a stronghold,maybe even columnaris?

In saying all of this, Ihave seen fishkeepers stumped on diseases many times.I think there are more strains of nasties out there than we could imagine,its all a lottery.

ATM I am treating one fish with Clout,why,because I heard another guy state symptoms similar to my fishes and he calimed Clout worked.If I dont treat the fish will die so it cant do any harm.

WHen a fish can be saved it is important to treat with the right medication.Meth BLue can wipe out filter bacteria and should be used very carefully.If I was recommending this I would also advise to use recommended dosage.

Recently I had a case of pH scald occurring,tap water went from 8+ to 6.5.I almost treated with meds but decided to test pH.If I added meds I could have wiped out my tank.Like I say we all learn something new everyday.

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05 Mar 2008 13:47 #14 by nomad (pat murphy)
Any update on your tank situation Tom ? Hope things are much improving .....

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05 Mar 2008 13:50 #15 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
I lost all but one of the parrot fish, there's about 10 Rosy barbs, a pleco and a few corys in the living rooms tank. The Pleco appears to have frayed fins/fin rot? Also the Pleco in the kitchens tank has the same. The two oscars are fine. I lost the clown loach/silver dollar etc. I've been treating with Methylene blue, will this have any effect on fin rot or whatever is doing this to plecos fins? They're not being nipped.



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05 Mar 2008 13:59 #16 by nomad (pat murphy)
Sorry to hear that Tom.I,m afraid im not that familiar with treatments etc,have been pretty lucky to date and havnt needed to use any.I have 2 bala,s outgrowing my tank ii,d like to give you if your interested and when ready if that was soonish seeing as though you had a bad loss,there getting a bit giddy for the other smaller fish in the tank ........

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05 Mar 2008 14:16 - 05 Mar 2008 14:21 #17 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
As soon as I get the tanks sorted I'll take you up on the offer if they're still available. My bala shark was 8 inches and a beauty. What size are they? And where abouts are you based? :)


Last edit: 05 Mar 2008 14:21 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan).

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06 Mar 2008 14:14 #18 by nomad (pat murphy)
No probs Tom,their about 6 inches from head to end of tail and growing fast and i,m in dublin 1...........

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06 Mar 2008 15:31 #19 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
Thanks Nomad, if they're still available when my tanks are sorted I'll give you a pm. :) I'm in Gorey so it's not that far.

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06 Mar 2008 22:43 #20 by TomNolan (Tommy Nolan)
One thing that is bothering me is how in a tank that so many fish died so suddenly, how are 14 rosy barbs totally unaffected?

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