Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Cultivating shrimp

04 Mar 2008 16:05 #1 by nonie (leonie troy)
Hi does anyone have any experience or input into cultivating shrimp? Any input will be appreciated.Thanks

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04 Mar 2008 16:27 #2 by komalley (K OM)
Hi, do you mean culturing brine shrimp? Was looking for that myself earlier and found this interesting article.


kom :P

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04 Mar 2008 17:46 #3 by zale (Mark carroll)
Hi Ya....

I actually just got some Fairy Shrimp cysts (Branchinecta lindahli). And will be giving them a go at the weekend and let you know how it went (or didn't went:P )

or where you looking for info on brine shrimp...:unsure:


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05 Mar 2008 10:17 #4 by nonie (leonie troy)
Thanks for the replies.

Komalley - didnt see that link on here thanks will gicve it a go!!!

Zale - please keep me posted on the progress. Hope it goes well for you!!!

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10 Mar 2008 12:05 #5 by zale (Mark carroll)
Hi nonie,

Just an update on the Fairy Shrimp....

I used a Pyrex dish (so I could see everything going on) and used bottled water as stated & am keeping it between 55 & 65 degrees F

I poured the \"dust\" into the water and while they were absorbing water and sinking to the bottom, I made some food for them.

the food is just simply :

1 sachet of yeast
1 teaspoon of sugar
big pinch of fish flakes (ground up)
1/3 a cup of hot water and mix all together
I let it settle for an hr & used a tall container to let the yeast foam, it can be stored in the fridge few a few weeks.

It states the cysts should hatch between 24 & 48 hrs....I put they in the water on Friday, checked this morning and BINGO........nothing :(

Has anyone cultivated these before, does it take a little longer than stated and would it make any difference if the temp was brought up slightly.

Sorry for asking Q's on your thread nonie.:blush:


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10 Mar 2008 13:52 #6 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)
Hi Zale,
I would try razing the temp. I have been using these regularly for a while now i have had two lots fail and that was because the water was cold.

i don't know much about keeping them cause i use them up in two days as they are great for fry and the fry benefit from chasing live food it has also helped me id fry that was not up to scratch earlier or any problems that might effect them later on.

i found they were hatching after 12 hours and you could see thousands after 24 hours

here is the link to the guy i get them from maybe the information given will help.


Mickey Wallace & Cath Woods

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10 Mar 2008 14:58 #7 by nonie (leonie troy)
hi zale,

No worries bout asking q's here sure we are all here to learn! Sorry to hear your first attempt was unsuccessful! Are you using an air pump because I heard they need air to cultivate!! I was told to get an empty 2l bottle and put a hole in the top of it for the pump, pop in the dust and water etc. and leave it in the tank!!! will be giving it a go in a few days, have to get my hands on somw dust first but will keep you posted!!!

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10 Mar 2008 15:36 #8 by nomad (pat murphy)
Just checked out the website above and saw that it said the package procedure was 1.Plastic capsule and 2.Aluminium foil ( protect xray )
Would the meaning be that the foil protects the the eggs from xrays from the screening process and another thought if fish were put through an xray machine would that make them infertile,thanks........

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10 Mar 2008 15:46 #9 by ChrisM (ChrisM)

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10 Mar 2008 16:16 #10 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)

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10 Mar 2008 16:25 #11 by zale (Mark carroll)
@ Mickey & nonie.......I've taken ur advice and raised the temp by stickin them into a plastic bottle & sticking them in the tank.
Nonie from what I've read there's no need for air unlike brine which need it.
Just on that Mickey do you use air.

@nomad......i have access to a small xray so I'll check to see if the xrays penetrate the foil.


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10 Mar 2008 16:40 - 10 Mar 2008 16:41 #12 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)
I have never used air but i was using an eleven liter tank to grow them. i would not consider air most of these come from seasonal pools that dry up sometimes in days. the other problem which could relate to this they have a hard and soft shell if the eggs are dropped in good water they are soft if the pool is nearly dry they are hard.

I have the info some where i will look it up and post it later


Mickey Wallace & Cath Woods
Last edit: 10 Mar 2008 16:41 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods).

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11 Mar 2008 21:06 #13 by zale (Mark carroll)

Had the plastic bottle in the tank at 24* and my kids are laughing at Daddy trying to hatch \"sand\".

The last thing I'll try is filtering them through a coffee filter, drying them completely for a few days, freezing them and try it all again.

Then when they don't hatch....wash them down the toilet :( and reorder some more.


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12 Mar 2008 00:27 - 12 Mar 2008 00:28 #14 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)
Hi Mark

try this out should be useful. read before you make any decisions.


It fairly informative on how to keep them going long term.
and would later in life be grand for loaches to eat.


Mickey Wallace & Cath Woods
Last edit: 12 Mar 2008 00:28 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods). Reason: grammer

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12 Mar 2008 09:52 #15 by nomad (pat murphy)
Thanks Zale that would be interesting to know,especially regarding the thought..... Do xray machines render fish sterile,unbreedable when scanned ??,anybody any info........thanks.

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12 Mar 2008 11:20 #16 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)
Yes X rays effect all life there is a safe limit set as to how many we can have per year.
And also why we have lead filled aprons on for most X rays. radiation is radiation.

Mickey Wallace & Cath Woods

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13 Mar 2008 09:21 #17 by nomad (pat murphy)
Thanks for the reply,years ago i brought back a fine pair of pike cichlids from England by plane and they went through the xray machine,wondered about the effect of xrays then..........

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13 Mar 2008 18:05 #18 by zale (Mark carroll)
@ Mickey.. Cheers

Thats actually the same document I've been working off and believe it or not got the FS off the same guy as you.


:blush: I bloody well forgot to bring foil into work.

I won't be able to say if exposure to one scan from customs will make the cysts or your pikes infertile (imagine trying to take ur pikes home nowadays in less than 100mls of water :P ) but will be able to confirm if the foil protects against the rays....but only if I remember to bring foil in with me on Tuesday :lol:


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14 Mar 2008 09:24 #19 by nomad (pat murphy)
Bring foil in tuesday if you remember you say,well stay off the beer till after SAINT PADDYS DAY :
) ........any info is educational,thanks Zale ....

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14 Mar 2008 13:57 #20 by zale (Mark carroll)
i can't promise I'll stay off the beer soooo I'll but the foil in the car NOW..:silly:


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14 Mar 2008 22:02 #21 by zale (Mark carroll)
:laugh: :woohoo:

Would ya believe....my wife got me coffee filters today to strain, dry the cycts and when I grabbed the plastic bottle to empty it, I seen movement.
I had taken the bottle out of the tank that time and just stuck it behind the tank till I got the filters...

Mind you there doesn't seem to be many but maybe over the next few days more will hatch. Jes that took a long time for them to hatch.... I've started feeding them and will let ye know, oh & get a few shots when their bigger.


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15 Mar 2008 00:21 #22 by mickeywallace (Michael Wallace Cath Woods)
the change in temp possibly triggered it.

if i remember right they will stay in the cycts till they are sure the water hole will survive! the drop in temp would mean water wont evaporate as quick thus last longer(guess work on my behalf) so if this happens again i will try this!

they are so small it is hard to see them but when you get use to them you will realise how many there are.

best of luck with them and enjoy

Mickey Wallace & Cath Woods

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