Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

redline torpedo barbs

10 May 2008 18:56 #1 by umm (karen baker)
hi all. was wondering if anyone could tell me if these fish are readily available and if so are they being taken from the wild or are they bred in captivity. was reading a matt clarke article and apparently in 2002 they where endangered and the fry hadnt yet been sucessfully raised. thanks

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10 May 2008 19:34 #2 by serratus (Drew Latimer)
Hi common in shops, most are farmed although they are available from India

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10 May 2008 20:06 #3 by Daragh_Owens (Daragh Owens)
Appartantly they have been bred at Chester Zoon and there is an article about that in the next PFK.

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11 May 2008 02:22 #4 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
hI umm, i'd suggest contacting some of the site sponsors and asking them they may have some in stock and if not may order some for you.

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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12 May 2008 06:42 #5 by umm (karen baker)
thanks all. still deciding on what fish to put in tank. its now made and will be getting it soon. hubby has made stand. its going all the way to the sub floor cos apparently it will weigh 1 TON yes 1 TON when its filled. :ohmy: quite scared now. will try and post pics over next few months to show how im getting on. still stuck on what background to use though.

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12 May 2008 09:21 - 12 May 2008 09:23 #6 by JohnH (John)
If you start thinking about these things even a 24\"x12\"x12\" tank will hold ten gallons and ten gallons weighs 100lbs, so it doesn't take long to start reaching TON weights!!!
And this isn't taking into account the weight of the tank itself and stuff like gravel and rocks etc...although to an extent this weight gets partially compensated for by the fact that it displaces the water - so less water. But let's not delude ourselves, rocks, gravel and even sand all weigh more than the water they displace so it's a very good idea that the stand goes down to the sub floor!!!

So far as a background is concerned there are several good threads on the Forum from members who have made their own, you might care to take a look at those.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.
Last edit: 12 May 2008 09:23 by JohnH (John). Reason: left out the 'e' in 'reaching'...what a fool.

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12 May 2008 23:32 #7 by platty252 (Darren Dalton)
I have kept both wild and tank bread Dennison barbs. I found the tank bread to have a better all round colouring.
These are not cheap and i would suggest at least 8 in a tank. Plenty of water flow and well oxygenated.

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