Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Breeding Tiger Guppies

12 Jan 2017 21:10 #1 by PENEV10 (Brian Farrell)
Picked up some gorgeous Tiger Endler males and am thinking of breeding them. I gather I wont be able to find female Tiger Endlers (considering I've never seen Tiger Endlers in a LFS until last weekend!) so should I breed them with female Guppies or female Endlers?

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13 Jan 2017 09:51 #2 by gunnered72 (Eddy Gunnered)
Breeding them with female Guppies is crossing two different species and is known as Hybridisation...Its frowned upon for being unnatural...

Get your self female endlers and do it that way...You will have more success...Use a ratio of one male to every 3 females...Otherwise the girls will be pestered to death by the boys...

This is a general rule of thumb for all Live bearing fish...

I would also harden the water a bit with some crushed coral (Aim for a PH of about 7.4) Livebearers dont do so well in soft acidic water...In fact I actually believe that when it comes to Guppies soft acidic water ruins their beautiful fins...

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13 Jan 2017 09:57 #3 by gunnered72 (Eddy Gunnered)
The other thing to remember is that you wont be guaranteed young that look the same as their Dads...The Moms genes play a part too...

If you want identical fish to what you have you need the species specific original type females as well...

If you use just random Endler females you will more than likely end up with a different strain....Basically it will be your own strain...So thats kinda kewl in its own way...

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13 Jan 2017 10:07 #4 by PENEV10 (Brian Farrell)
My water is 7.6 gh of 8 and kh of 16 iirc so should be good, thanks for the advice. Maybe seahorse will have some female endlers

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13 Jan 2017 10:10 #5 by PENEV10 (Brian Farrell)
I actually thought tiger endlers were hybrids, hence the question, but glad I know what the story is now.

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13 Jan 2017 14:25 #6 by gunnered72 (Eddy Gunnered)
Endlers are Endlers

Guppies are Guppies

When it comes to Live Bearers fish shops and breeders just put fancy names on them to sell them...Mickey Mouse Platy, Moscow Blue Guppy, Dalmation Molly, Koi Swordtail, Tiger Endler etc etc etc.....

They are all just colour variations with fancy names....

True wild livebearers are actually dull and drab looking....But they are pure as regards breeding....

I would take a guess that what you have is actually a Hybrid already....I could be wrong though...Can ya post a picture for us

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13 Jan 2017 14:43 #7 by gunnered72 (Eddy Gunnered)
Hybridisation causes genetic flaws...And its just not natural...Some people see no issue with it...Others think its like creating Frankenstein...The jury is out...

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13 Jan 2017 14:52 #8 by PENEV10 (Brian Farrell)

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14 Jan 2017 01:06 #9 by anthonyd (Anthony Debesne)
Yours are hybrids.
If you want to breed tigers you gonna need some females from the same strain.
Contrary to what gunnered said, pure endlers are not dab or dull, most of the people are just not aware of the different patterns and colours of the wild endlers...
Here is a picture of my wild type endlers

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14 Jan 2017 08:29 #10 by gunnered72 (Eddy Gunnered)
Mental note made about wild Endlers..

Those are beautiful Anthony...

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18 Jan 2017 23:44 #11 by freem (mark freeman)
Fabulous looking fish, but you will need females from the same breeding. I had tiger males with black bar females and the pattern was gone by the 3rd generation.

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01 Mar 2017 23:21 #12 by adriano210 (adrian kraszewski)
try to get females endlers from the same strain or shipment, or just use clean females
and only left a god ones in tank
i get them to but i try to bread them with wild guppys i got some time ago

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02 Mar 2017 12:46 #13 by iain54 (Iain Minchin)
Must get a few of those for my small tank

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