Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Bristlenose fry, poss. feeding issues

14 Jun 2010 15:48 #1 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
Hi fellow tank mates,

My longfinned(I know these are not everyone’s coup of tea but thats what they are) bristlenose pair spawned the other day.

After a quick look in my calendar it seems that the fry will leave the cave while Im on holidays for two weeks. They are in a community tank(in an office) and I dont have the facilities to move them to a separate tank atm(which would make feeding easier).

Im getting the girlfriend to pop in and feed the fish once per day but I am worried that the fry will die of starvation as its a community tank and Im not around to keep an eye on things. At the same time I dont want to fill the tank up with veggies and waffers and kill them(and other fish) by over feeding/rotting food.

I know there are a number of people breeding Ancistrus on this forum, is there anything I can do? Perhaps there are some vegetables that dont go old in a day like the good old cucumber?
Im counting on losing some fry because of this but It would be fun if some survive as its the parents first spawn.

Thanks in advance,


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14 Jun 2010 17:04 - 14 Jun 2010 17:07 #2 by JohnH (John)
It seems your Fish haven't seen your calendar of future events!
Seriously though, you will be totally surprised at what newly-released Ancistrus fry will find in a tank for sustenance.
I would be a little concerned in case you have any larger community Fish which might make a meal of them, but if there aren't any the fry should be able to glean enough food from what the others miss.

Tetra make (what I'm told is) a very good Holiday Feeding Block and a friend of mine left one in a tank and it lasted a whole fortnight - so that might be an option as they could get in 'on the act' after lights out.

Otherwise you could try relying on nature and leave on the tank lights all the time and hope to get a good build-up of algae which both the adults and fry will graze on in your absence, but they really are (as already stated) very industrious feeders and do find food which doesn't appear to be there at all!

I have several broods in tanks (including LDA-16s) which graze the glass, gravel and plants (strangely not the cucumber) and when you look their little bellies are nicely round - so they're getting their nourishment there OK.
I would be concerned about leaving anything of a vegetable nature in the tank as it will deteriorate in your absence, but if you could get your girlfriend to change it every other day you could leave in a slice of cucumber, I have been recently giving all my Plecos slices of Kiwi Fruit and that goes down well too.

Don't worry, you'll come home to some fry - and even if none makes it from this spawning, fear not - once they've started they will continue!

One last word of warning - baby Plecos are little devils at going places where they didn't ought to so if you have either an internal or external filter you should try to make the intake 'Pleco Fry Proof'


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.
Last edit: 14 Jun 2010 17:07 by JohnH (John). Reason: spelling

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14 Jun 2010 17:38 #3 by dar (darren curry)
john quick question, is it ok to leave the lighting on 24/7 for two weeks?

Check out the angling section, it is fantastic

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14 Jun 2010 17:57 #4 by JohnH (John)
It's far from being totally advisable, but that was a suggestion to give Melander's fry a head-start.

Having said that - apart from a possibly unwanted build-up of algae he shouldn't have any long-term bad effects, after all, fish do not sleep in the way we understand it, although my Clown Loaches certainly seem to 'bed down' for the night.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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14 Jun 2010 18:48 #5 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
Thanks allot for the input JohnH!

I don’t have any aggressive or large fish in the tank, so my only problem is the feeding.

I might try the extra lighting approach for increased algae growth, but Im a bit unsure about the Tetra Holiday Feeding Block.
I have had feeding blocks before(not Tetra) but found that they can “sink” into my deep fine sandy substrate and go old and rotten without the fish being able to reach it.

I will get the gf to change the veggies every other day so that is not a problem, never tried the kiwi so Ill have to do that for a treat.

Maybe Im over complicating things and, worrying without a reason, like you said there will be more where they came from anyway.

Its an internal filter and it is being prepared for the little ones.

On another note, my male rejected my painstakingly made slate cave but seems to love my “new” old stoneware piece. Don’t know what it originally was made for but you will see them in antique shops every now and then. I will have to take a picture of it when they have finished as its perfect for smaller plecos and not too hard to get.


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14 Jun 2010 19:54 #6 by Denis (Denis Goulding)
Love the lfins.. Hard to get..I would not leave the lights on and the little fellas will find enough to graze on until u return, i would put a holiday block in on a saucer, solve the sinking problem.
I had a problem with leaving greens in the tank before , i leave them in for 4 hours or at longest overnight from 11 till 6 when i get up.

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14 Jun 2010 20:21 #7 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
The saucer is the obvious solution, I cant believe I didnt think about that, cheers Denis!

Must say that I feel better about leaving the tank now, after reading the replies.


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15 Jun 2010 09:54 #8 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
JohnH, I was just wondering how your adult L16s look, are they completely brown i colour without spots?


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15 Jun 2010 10:59 #9 by JohnH (John)
These are LDA-16s, they are like a smaller version of the common or garden Bristlenose (whatever they turn out to be - seemingly a lot of controversy on those still) but these are almost certainly Ancistrus. They are sort of mottled brown and orange and do have very minor spotting, but nowhere near as pronounced as the ordinary lads and the spots are a subtle tone of orange.
Look up LDA-16 on Planet Catfish, they must be there.

N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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15 Jun 2010 13:36 #10 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
Read and thought lda16 but wrote L16:blush:

Anyway, the reason why I asked was that I checked out planet catfish which show an almost greyish-brown fish while my google search showed red/brown ones similar to some of my own.


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15 Jun 2010 16:03 #11 by JohnH (John)
I have had a look at the Planet Catfish picture and that looks nothing like mine - one of these days I shall have to try to take some pictures...


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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