Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

there's an angel lookin down on me !!!!!!

21 Jul 2010 16:39 - 21 Jul 2010 16:39 #1 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
got in from workthis evening guys and looked into the main tank

Last edit: 21 Jul 2010 16:39 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy).

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21 Jul 2010 16:40 #2 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)

thats the intake pipe of a fluval 405 so i think you can judge just how big a clutch of eggs that she has laid

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21 Jul 2010 17:05 #4 by kenneth (kenneth mc donnell)
nice one hope igos well.cheers ken

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21 Jul 2010 19:03 #5 by David (David)
Replied by David (David) on topic Re:there's an angel lookin down on me !!!!!!
Best of luck with the Angels when they arrive
i might add that a really nice looking Coy Angel you have

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21 Jul 2010 19:11 #6 by mickdeja (Mick Whelan)
great news man.........im delighted for ye.........

Follow me up to Carlow

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21 Jul 2010 19:17 - 21 Jul 2010 19:38 #7 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
cheers guys .... gotta thank sheag for the breeding pair ... i have them since about a week after the show and this is the first time they have spawned ..... the female is the koi thats in the video and the male is a golden angel who is much smaller than her . Here's hoping he knows wot he's doin . Its the actual amount of eggs that she has laid that surprises me ... she has laid them on the rubber connector that joins the flexible hose which runs to the filter , to the solid downpipe which is connected to the one way intake valve . That rubber connector is approximately 3-3.5 inches long and roughly 1 inch across and it is totally covered in eggs . I have had bigger angels spawn for me in the past and they never laid so many eggs . I'm just hoping to get some success from this spawn as i have never had a successful hatching with angels

somethin seems to have gone wild in my tank today though because all of a sudden my cory's are displayin mating behaviour too , as are my pair of german blue rams .....

all hands on deck i reckon pretty soon

will keep the forum updated as soon as i have any news

Last edit: 21 Jul 2010 19:38 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy). Reason: needed to re-word

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21 Jul 2010 19:51 #8 by Melander (Andreas Melander)
Congrats, hope it goes well with the angels!

Could it be hormones in the water from the angels that trigger the other fish? I have read something about this before but can't remember where.


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21 Jul 2010 19:55 #9 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
yeah i heard that today myself too ... sheag was tellin me it could be due to pheromones released by the angels into the water

here's hoping they are as successful as my kribs

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21 Jul 2010 23:32 #10 by derek (Derek Doyle)
very nice martin, i have a breeding pair in reverse male koi and female gold and they produce nice offspring. maybe we can do a fish wife swap in the future.:)

30 tanks specialise in african cichlids, angelfish and various catfish

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22 Jul 2010 02:31 #11 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
told ya they where looking ready yesterday, hope it goes well, just cover intake with a relatively fine sponge when hatching is near to stop them being sucked in will have a tank divider for u tomorrow... delighted 4 ya mate

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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22 Jul 2010 15:22 #12 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
ok so the latest update is , whilst running out the door this morning at six o clock for work , i took a quick look into the tank and alas not an egg to be seen . Really hoping that when i get home later i discover that the parents have just moved the eggs and not eaten them . There was a very big clutch of eggs so i'm just praying that none of the other tank inhabitants got to them . I left a light on in the room to try and avoid this but i'll find out later this evening when i move around some of the bog wood in the tank . I might just have to give them a tank of their own and wait for them to go again

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22 Jul 2010 16:13 #13 by JohnH (John)
Always a danger with some of the first broods from newly-paired Angels - the chances are one or both of the adults fancied eggs for breakfast...but you could be right and find they have moved the eggs elsewhere but I find this generally doesn't happen until the eggs start wriggling a little bit.

Fear not - they usually get it right eventually, so don't be too crestfallen.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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22 Jul 2010 21:45 #14 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
Ok so i finally managed to get home from work but unfortunately the eggs are definitely all gone ..... ah well ... better luck next time i guess !!!

BUT !!!!!!!!!!


look wot i found

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17 Aug 2010 19:52 #15 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
Update latest ..... after the last unsuccessful spawn i inserted a tank divider into my tank and rehomed a few fish in an effort to quieten things down slightly .....last saturday they spawned again while i was away in dublin for the day , and i was delighted to see the eggs still in place on the sunday mornin ....

The eggs survived sunday night too and when i got in from work lastnight ... i noticed there was movement in amongst the clutch of eggs

This wriggling movement however was shaking the eggs loose and they were falling from their laying site , towards the bottom of the tank , and the filter intake .

I quickly netted the last few remaining fish that shared that side of the tank and removed them before they got a free caviar dinner

the parents were catching all the falling eggs in their mouths and at one stage ( prior to a phonecall to sheag ) i thought the eggs wer gonners

This morning i looked in again and the parents had moved the eggs onto a piece of bogwood further away from the filter intake ..... the amount of wriggling is increasing by the hour and the parents seem nice and relaxed guarding over them

This evening i covered the filter intake with a small fabric bog , fine enough to stop any accidental trips to the great big fishtank in the sky

so fingers crossed i will be checking back in a day or two , to announce some free swimming fry


P.s. the pair of kribs on the opposite side of the tank divider have spawned too ..

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17 Aug 2010 22:37 #16 by Viperbot (Jason Hughes)
Good to hear it Martin, nice work. And congrats on the Kribs too ;) .


Location: Finglas, North Dublin.

may not be the party we hoped for, but while we
are here we might as well dance.

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18 Aug 2010 08:27 #17 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
cheers jay . Now i just have to come up with a way to stop the fry from gettin through the divider , or i could have two very confused sets of parents on my hands

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18 Aug 2010 08:51 #18 by Viperbot (Jason Hughes)
Mabey some sort of a net draped over the sides of the divider would do the trick? Put a pair of sissors to a net curtain or something?


Location: Finglas, North Dublin.

may not be the party we hoped for, but while we
are here we might as well dance.

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18 Aug 2010 09:04 #19 by Peteemax (Pete Maxwell)
Congrats :)

Pete Maxwell

ITFS Member

Location: Ashbourne

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18 Aug 2010 12:24 #20 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
yeah jay . I was thinkin about somethin like that alright . A good buddy of mine reckons he has something like that for me so will have to check it out . Cheers pete

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21 Aug 2010 16:50 #21 by duzzy1 (Martin Kennedy)
ok guys ... so its a week on from the angels spawning and after being out at a dog show all day , i got home about 20 mins ago and look wot i found


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21 Aug 2010 17:38 #22 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Thats what I call a fry up! Nice one!

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