Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

saturday 11th garden of rembrance

09 Oct 2014 17:03 #1 by ipcompto (Ian Compton)
Hello there.......

Just a few words if that is okay.

I am sure i am boring you at this stage.

I have been talking to family members about the current situation regarding what is going on in the protest against water.

I say the protest about water because so many of you are focused on this point.

Well i suppose it is better than no focus at all.

Now believe me the people i spoke to are very highly qualified in the legal profession all my family are i am the only one who is not involved.

It is funny because a few years back i had a booming business and i was the hero of the hour but the great wheel turns and fortunes turn to misfortune.

Some may say tough or you get what you deserve but i say most people wont understand the passion involved in a lifetimes work.

Most people will never achieve the level of satisfaction such passion can bring.

Anyway i do not want to drift too far from the point here.

Let us say that the advice i get is free it would cost €250-€500 an hour if i was not the big brother.

Irish water whether it was setup properly or improperly because it has been commissioned to do a task by the government will be protected by that government and all the tasks set out will be shepherded till the task is finished.

The legislation needed is there anyway and like all government appointed tasks be they good or bad the government can and will bully its way through the courts etc confidently in the knowledge that they can evoke for the common good etc etc if need be.

I would imagine you will get a bill soon regardless of a meter installation and regardless of a contract.

The normal rules of business do not apply here because the government says so.

As for the gardai.

Are you really this disillusioned?

No amount of jibes and protests will turn them.

The are the strong arm of the law put there to keep you peasants in your place.

To maintain the status quo.

The public will be protected when it suits but they protect the government and the governments interests first and foremost.

And as the violence or protest escalate the level of policing will arise accordingly.

This is the reality we face.

This is what keeps us hemmed in ,corralled like sheep by the farmer.

The greater good is a carte blanche with which the government can unfurl the skull and cross bones and hoist its flag of intentions.

What would any cornered beast do?

I know many people will not like or agree to what i am saying.

I don’t like what i am saying for gods sake!

So on the basis that the government is correct and we are at fault we have a big problem.

And the cards are stacked in their favour.

What cards you may ask.........well remember the famous tale about the origins of the Hellfire Club in the Dublin mountains?

This story still haunts me to this day.

Richard Parsons, the first Earl of Rosse, established the Hell-Fire Club in Dublin in 1735.

The president of the Hell Fire Club was named 'The King of Hell' and was dressed like Satan, with horns, wings and cloven hoofs.

One custom was that of leaving the vice-chair unoccupied for the devil in whose honour the first toast was always drunk.

The Clubs became associated with excessive drinking.

Scaltheen, a drink made from whiskey and butter was served in abundance during meetings of the Hell Fire Club.

Malachi Horan, in the book, Malachi Horan Remembers, says how they always had scaltheen ready at the Jobstown Inn.

Current urban lore tells us that it was, and still is, a site commonly used for the practice of Satanism and other occult activities, and that the Devil himself made brief appearances at some unspecified times in the past.

One story tells us a mysterious stranger seeks shelter on a stormy night, and a card game ensues.

A member of the household drops a card, and sees that below the table, the otherwise affable and charming visitor has a cloven hoof.

His or her screams made the Devil 'aware of her discovery, and he at once vanished in a thunder-clap leaving a brimstone smell behind him'.

There are may versions of events but the reality is this.

If you play poker with the government make sure you check under the table first....even if you are too frightened to do so.......check for the cloven foot before the cards are dealt out and the game begins therein lies the contract.

We should have stood up against them when they robbed us of our oil.

Instead they lied to us.

And it was a lie.

And no one can lie to me now to change that lie into a truth.

No matter how expensive the cost if there is oil it will be extracted.

Answer me this Mr Government man.

How come Norway taxes a minimum of 78% on the extraction of their oil?

How can that not be the most expensive part of a project regardless of the ramifications.

Add up what you like Norway is looking out for the people.

We just swallowed the garbage.

I even watched the debate on the governments exclusive news channel RTE.

I felt ill afterwards.

And now that mistake is compounded by the fact that the reserves are even bigger.......wtf?

And when was Board Gais sold? that was kept low key..........and Eircom don't get me started.

This is happening all around us people.

It is happening now.

It is happening outside your door right now.

The subterfuge ,the deceit,we will never be whole again.

And because i say this i will be branded an enemy of the state.

I will be branded a traitor by many of my own because most people do not care one jot for justice.

Justice is a chameleon.

Justice is shambolic for if we have to rely on it we are already doomed.

Justice is there to serve the euro.

And this will not change.

It breaks my heart to say it because i am a fighting man to the death.

People closest to me would know this.

We are up against the devil.

Make no mistake.

How can five million people be gelded with so much ease?

Why do we shame those who protest in our stead?

Why do we exterminate the passion in others to compensate for the rot that festers in our hearts?

Someone once said to me and i will never forget this........

‘If you want to roast an Irishman make sure you get another Irishman to turn the spit.’

Do you take the full meaning to heart and mind.

The full meaning of this hits home hardest today.

For I am sickened by the feelings i feel right now.

The glaring truth has come too late.

Our older people will die with less dignity than they were born with.


I will let you answer that.

Our sick and vulnerable will pave the path to our own graves.

Our homeless will be ignored by simply turning a blind eye.

Great men will be hunted for the pleasing of the mob.

And all the while our life blood will be spilled.

And their justice will look unkindly upon our deeds.

There is no justice for you and me.

There is no justice in our constitution because they have raped over the last 25 years.

You have no rights.

I apologize.

I made an error of course you have rights.

You have the right to shut up.

You have the right to be taxed till you breathe your last.

You have the right to be robbed.

You have the right to be abused by the catholic church.

You have the right to let the financial institutions of this country pick at your carcass.

You have the right to have cancer.

You have the right to be mentally ill.

You have the right to work your fingers to the bone.

You have the right to be addicted to what ever we choose to peddle to you.

You have the right to be mass medicated by drinking the poison we have piped into your homes.
And now you have earned the right to pay for this time and time again.

If there was a god up there in the sky i think we can safely say we are in need of him or her right now.

I am not writing this because i am just an angry confused coward.

I am writing this because i am the new face of Ireland.

I am a practical man that heeds sound practical advice.

I have the advice of my loved ones to back me up and believe me you will not meet a closer family.

Each one of us would sacrifice everything for one another without a second thought.

So when the legalities are spelled out i listen.

There is only one solution.


There are 5 million of us.

We have to make a stand.

We the public, you and i have created this monster.

It is no one else’s fault.

This is the hardest bit.

We put them in power.

We fuel the madness.

We are the cloven foot.

For the government is each and every one of us.

It is not in the Dail.

It is in our homes and our hearts and this is where we make our stand.

Legislation does not matter because we the people can change that.

Our pens are as mighty as their swords are.

Our wills are indomitable.

Our voices the sweetest.

Left,right our politics does not fill our bellies.

Black,white our blood still stains the ground upon which we tread.

It is time.

Happy,unhappy,young,old,sick,healthy,bewildered,disillusioned it is time for us to make the hardest choice we will ever have to make.

It is a time for selflessness.

For sacrifice.

To regain our pride.

Ireland is not and will never be a part of Germany.

We will not sell our soul.

We are not afraid of what you hide under the table.

We will use the pen we will bring you down.

We will use the love we hold in our hears for all that is dearest to us.

We will use our voices to persuade you.

We will use the system to break you.

If you strike us the world will see your true colours.

If you beggar us you will feed us.

If you jail us we will break free.

If you enslave us you will fear us.

My Message is this.

We need to unite home by home.

Village by village.

Town by town.

City by city.

County by county.

Provence by province till as a country we stand as one.

And as long as we together Ireland will be whole again.T

Together we can take on the world.

Thank you for your time.

Ian Patrick Compton.

Join with us Saturday the 11th garden of Remembrance

I have 200 people marching with me alone.........

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09 Oct 2014 18:40 #2 by hammie (Neil Hammerton)
Getting slightly sick of hearing about the water charges amd the same regurgitation of the same information over and over again!

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10 Oct 2014 10:17 #3 by ipcompto (Ian Compton)
Hi don't mean to rain on your parade its not just about the water charges it is about the future of this country.Water charges are the rallying point.......


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10 Oct 2014 13:15 #4 by Homer (Kevin)
And there is the rub, the reason we get Shat on, Apathy, resigned to accept we are worth less!

To Ian ........

THANK YOU, and THANK YOU again for taking the time to sit down and say in wonderful detail what you think, the last comment was tantamount to telling you to shut up! Just as the Government of this diluted Island would have us do. How dare anyone tell anyone to shut up!


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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10 Oct 2014 13:44 #5 by JohnH (John)
In all fairness Kevin,
The earlier post was doing nothing more than saying he was getting tired of hearing the same information over and over again.
Any Forum is about opinions and Hammie has posted his.
While I wouldn't agree with him altogether, he still has the right to say it.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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10 Oct 2014 13:47 #6 by Homer (Kevin)
As have I John.


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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10 Oct 2014 13:51 #7 by JohnH (John)


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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10 Oct 2014 14:48 #8 by hammie (Neil Hammerton)
I think i have been taken up wrong or have misrepresented what I meant

I fully support the demonstration against the water charges, I think its out rageous that we should be hit with yet another tax
I dont mind them taking a percentage of what I already pay on my wage slip or on every single product that I buy and use that to pay for the water

But I shouldnt have to pay anything extra

What I meant was that people are coming up with the same argument again and again and no new information has been brought to light! Its the regurgitation and the repetition that I have a problem with!!!

The whole thing needs brought to a head and stopped in its tracks sooner rather than later!!!!

I under no circumstances was telling anyone to "shut up" nor implying that they should!!!

Ian knows me well enough at this stage to know I wasnt gettin at him and if he thougth for 1 second I was then Im sure he would have been onto me about it

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10 Oct 2014 14:51 - 10 Oct 2014 14:55 #9 by Aroshni (Lydia Olivera)
Thanks Ian for having the time to write this, I'm agree with you.

My husband, my brother and myself will be attending tomorrow. I think is very important to show your disagreement with this or any other thing that you think is unfair.

The three of us are Spanish with less 'rights' here than any Irish (as Stephane had expressed in the water charges post) but even this is not an excuse to stay at home.
Last edit: 10 Oct 2014 14:55 by Aroshni (Lydia Olivera).

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10 Oct 2014 16:13 #10 by Homer (Kevin)
Ok, I hear ya, the cry is lost on the ones that need to hear, repetition is vital to keep something alive, a repeated breath is what keeps us alive.

Repetition is vital, irrespective of the monotony of the constant chant but we Irish tend to be prone to laziness if we are not cudjoled by reminders or repetition.


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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10 Oct 2014 22:26 #11 by Miamiheat (Stephane Lemaire)
what time tomorrow i want to go

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10 Oct 2014 22:37 #12 by Homer (Kevin)
Hey Stephane,

14.00 Garden of remembrance.


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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10 Oct 2014 23:06 #13 by Aroshni (Lydia Olivera)

what time tomorrow i want to go

See you there Stephane and Kev.

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11 Oct 2014 00:03 #14 by platty252 (Darren Dalton)

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11 Oct 2014 07:13 #15 by Ieva star (Ieva Fogta)
Well said ian its time to stand now

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11 Oct 2014 11:50 #16 by Aroshni (Lydia Olivera)
I'm sorry but I can't go, I'm upset because I wanted to...but this morning got bad news and we are too sad to leave home.

Thanks to the people that is saying NO for me today.

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11 Oct 2014 21:15 #17 by Homer (Kevin)
Amazing today, just amazing.

File Attachment:


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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11 Oct 2014 21:29 #18 by swai (Simon)
Yeah Kev, I was pretty impressed. I was working on westmoreland street and there must have been people walking by for at least an hour and thats a lot of people! I would have joined but no one would of got there food!

Power to the people :cool:

Marino, Dublin 9

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11 Oct 2014 21:51 #19 by JustinK (Justin Kelly)
I think you got my wife in that photo :-)

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11 Oct 2014 22:04 - 11 Oct 2014 22:06 #20 by blade (Michael G)
Good man Kev , was there too , it was a great turn out , it just shows the power of the people , What a crowd .

Last edit: 11 Oct 2014 22:06 by blade (Michael G).

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12 Oct 2014 13:26 #21 by Homer (Kevin)
Cheers Guys!

Please let's keep the momentum going!!


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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12 Oct 2014 21:31 #22 by Homer (Kevin)

The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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12 Oct 2014 21:42 #23 by Eric (Eric Corcoran)
Must of been class to be part of the march


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12 Oct 2014 22:01 #24 by Homer (Kevin)
Absolutely amazing Eric, overwhelming if I am to be honest, not an angry person, at least not with each other :) it was calm and respectful, no Garda intervention whatsoever, they were just present it seemed, to control traffic, some said they were taken aback by the sheer numbers, don't believe the numbers being given by the press, the whole left and right hand side of O'Connell street was packed with people as the beginning of the march met the end, the Gardaí had to open an emergency route because of the volume of people, it was calm and well behaved but be under no illusion, it was serious and it must have the powers that be, rattled, a bigger Protest is coming on the 1st Nov, so book your day off!


The Glass is always greener on the other side.

It's NOT "Chee lick", NOT "Chee Chee Licks"!!! Cichlids is pronounced as "Sick Lids"!!!!!

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13 Oct 2014 10:32 #25 by Miamiheat (Stephane Lemaire)
Guys for the ones like me who regretfully missed it there is another march on November 1st.
Thank you to all who made it

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13 Oct 2014 10:49 #26 by Aroshni (Lydia Olivera)
We'll try to assist to the next one too.

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13 Oct 2014 12:16 #27 by ipcompto (Ian Compton)
Well i have to say what a great day it was in Dublin on saturday.It was a defining moment and i was proud to be there 200 people went with me and god knows how many they brought with them.This is about solidarity and the need for chane.Water meters is only the rallying point.

I was standing outside Clerys listening to the speeches when a friend rang me he said he was still at the top of georges street marching.There were 50 k standing beside me or more so god knows the final amount......120-150 k probably.If you were not part of this maybe you should reconsider in relation to future events.This is a humanitarian issue and not just political.It is about helping others and not just ourselves.

For any that were there congrats to you guys for those that were not.....all i can say is no problem......but there is always a next time....join the real world and we can change anything.

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13 Oct 2014 18:28 #28 by Ieva star (Ieva Fogta)
Some day is right its about time we stood up now keep it going

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