Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

How long till my ext filter can take over

20 Oct 2008 21:58 #1 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
This is a bit of a long story
I had my tank cycled and added an external filter to my tank, 3 days later my internal filter slowed down considerably and I had to clean it (used tank water) I did this while doing a waterchange and I did too much, I threw it back into cycling, this was on the 3rd of october, the external filter was added on the 1st of october.
I have done daily watertests and if ammonia was anywhere near 1.0 I would do a waterchange, so far so good and no casualties yet.
Today still get readings of slight ammonia less than 0.25
and Nitrites are 0.25 as well
NitrAtes are 10+

I have set up a 2nd 40L tank with a diffirent filter wich I got online and discovered that it is faulty, it doesn't run
Can I take the internal filter out of my 'big' tank and use it in my small tank, or would that upset the parameters in that tank too much.

Thanks for all your help

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  • MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown)
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21 Oct 2008 09:52 #2 by MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown)
Replied by MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown) on topic Re:How long till my ext filter can take over
it should be ok removing the internal filter.. plus its cycled and will boost the cycle in your new 40l tank. Although you should always have at least to filters running in each tank for the purpose of one running while the other is being cleaned.

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21 Oct 2008 11:07 - 21 Oct 2008 12:49 #3 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
That is the thing, I am still getting positive readings on my Ammonia and nitrItes in my big tank

actually as of today the readings are 0/0:silly:
Last edit: 21 Oct 2008 12:49 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick).

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21 Oct 2008 12:31 #4 by nonie (leonie troy)
Hi, I think the best thing to do is get some Organic Aqua. You can keep the filters going at the same time but be able to put fish straight into the tank with the OA. There is alot of controversy over this stuff but I have been using it a while and think it great!!

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  • MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown)
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21 Oct 2008 12:37 - 21 Oct 2008 12:39 #5 by MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown)
Replied by MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown) on topic Re:How long till my ext filter can take over
OA isn't great.. we wouldnt recommend it at all.. i'd say do a 20% water change and use a bottle of tetra safe start stuffs amazing. oh consider changing some of your media.. how old is it?? wat type of filters are they??

just read it there its a rio 180.. is the standard juwel filter still active aswell as another internal?? or were you planning on putting the juwel filter into your smaller tank??
Last edit: 21 Oct 2008 12:39 by MaxiZoo Leopardstown (MaxiZoo Leopardstown).

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21 Oct 2008 12:54 #6 by nonie (leonie troy)
To use it or not to use it - there is no point in getting two sides of the story because when OA is disgussed that is what happens, ppl are very split down the middle with it, they either like it or hate it. Just go to your lfs and see what they have to say (As one of the filters is not working you will prob be paying them a visit!!).

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21 Oct 2008 12:57 #7 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
No the juwel filter is in the bin a long time ago, I had to buy all the bits for it as the motor was banjaxed and I figured I would be better of spending the 80 odd euro on an external.

I haven't a clue about the organic aqua and I wasn't planning on usin this, I want this to be a shrimp tank so I am going to use ammonia, if I can get my hands on it, and a whole lot of patience, I want this tank to be stable so it will propably be x-mass before I put any livestock in it, maybe even longer.

The Internal filter I have in there is the filter I used on my 180 to cycle it originally, not a wellknown brand, but it did the job.

I am just worried if I take it out to put in my future shrimp tank, I am going to upset my newly aquired 0/0/10 balance (just tested this morning)

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21 Oct 2008 12:58 #8 by davekie (David Keane)
If you used Organic Aqua you'd already have fish in that tank.

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21 Oct 2008 13:05 #9 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Safe start is a good product alright, but sounds like you want to go the traditional route of cycling,and there is nothing wrong with that either. By the way a shrimp tank can be a quiet tank! They dont do a whole lot at times! Id recommend the Singapore shrimp,they are rather interesting and do shuffle about alot.Not shy either.


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21 Oct 2008 13:05 #10 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
davekie wrote:

If you used Organic Aqua you'd already have fish in that tank.

Sorry, I am propably oldfashioned by saying this, but were's the fun in that, I want to take my time on this one, and have no shrimp dying from unexpected nitrItes or any of that.
Plus using the ammonia method is something I can then add to my experiences.
Maybe on the next tank I might try it, and then again maybe not:lol:

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21 Oct 2008 20:45 #11 by JohnH (John)

I am going to use ammonia, if I can get my hands on it

I urge you to think very carefully about the use of ammonia, especially with young children around - it really is pretty desperate stuff...

Plus using the ammonia method is something I can then add to my experiences.

Please think very carefully before going down this route.


N. Tipp

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl - year after year.

ITFS member.

It's a long way to Tipperary.

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21 Oct 2008 21:11 #12 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
JohnH wrote:

I am going to use ammonia, if I can get my hands on it

I urge you to think very carefully about the use of ammonia, especially with young children around - it really is pretty desperate stuff...

Plus using the ammonia method is something I can then add to my experiences.

Please think very carefully before going down this route.


what would you reccomend?

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21 Oct 2008 21:18 #13 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Why not use the prawn method?

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21 Oct 2008 21:32 #14 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)

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21 Oct 2008 22:08 #15 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
No,not at all. I mean have you smealt ammonia before!!!! The prawn wont smell,its underwater remember.

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21 Oct 2008 22:16 #16 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
So is it of to SQ tomorrow to get some shrimp, any I should watch out for?

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03 Nov 2008 19:45 #17 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
Just thought I'd give you guys an update,
After being convinced not to do the ammonia thingy I put a shrimp in the tank,(I am not allowed to eat them anymore as I discovered recently that baby number 3 is on the way), at this stage I am wondering should I bring it to the barbers it has quite a bit of hair on it:laugh:
my readings this morning are
amm 0
trIte 0
trAte 10

I know that looks a bit suspiciously quick but the filter that is in there is a borrowed sponge from Xeon, (while my own is being returned) plus the fact that Acara has donated some javamoss might have helped the cycle along a bit

Will my cycle have to start all over again once my own filter goes in there or should it be safe enough?

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03 Nov 2008 19:55 #18 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
When did you add it and did u tie it in a tight or something binding it to stop the mess,although you can do a filter clean anyhow ? Also is the smell getting to you yet,I may have been rather off the cuff when I said it wont smell! lol, it does!Readings sound good,I think you could probably chuck the prawn in a few days if the readings remain constant,just add some fish food every so often to continue the cycle perhaps.
Have you got your own filter in there now? It shouldnt really have to recycle as such,maybe you could put the sponge into the external filter for a small spell just to seed it abit quicker but Id imagine it will be fine as the water will contain enough benefical bacteria to kick start the filter into action also.


Ps: Congrats on the discovery of another wee nipper on the way :)

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03 Nov 2008 20:06 #19 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
Can't smel anything yet, and if I can't smell it at the moment, there is no smell because my scent has gone very strong due to my 'state'
I don't have an external filter for that tank just a small int. big enough for 200L and I am stil waiting for that to arrive back.
The external is on my other tank

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03 Nov 2008 21:19 #20 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
So when are you planning on crossing the external over ?

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03 Nov 2008 21:41 #21 by mrsFishpatrick (Astrid Fitzpatrick)
I am not, the original question was how long till my ext can take over, I ment in the 'big' tank on its own or with a new internal to back it up so I can use my 'old' internal on the 40L tank

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