Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Is this expensive? there in!

10 Nov 2008 18:40 - 10 Nov 2008 22:26 #1 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
I went to my LFS to buy some ocean rock, found 3 nice stones and headed for the counter, landed the 3 rocks on the counter.

The 2 girl behind the counter said:

Girl1: ' how much are they?'
Girl2: ' they are €5/kg'
Girl1: ' how much do you think they weigh'
Girl2: (picks up the stones)'out 5kg i'd say'
Girl1: (turns to me) '€25 please'
Me: 'sounds alot'
Girl1: ' well, that 5kg you have there'
Me: :blush: 'I'll take 2 of the 3 so'
Girl1: 'thats €20'
Me: :( paid €20 for 2 rocks

I did compare the weight with a bag of dog food on the way out and they 2 I had were between 3-4kg, but *"&$* €20 for 2 rocks??!?!?!?
Last edit: 10 Nov 2008 22:26 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters).

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10 Nov 2008 19:22 #2 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Erm Dolf,what exactly is the type of rock that you bought ? I know when I bought a rock earlier this year it was about 8 or 9 euro for the rock. I thought it was steep at the time also. Since then I get my rocks out the local river.(Some people say it carries a risk and others say its fine if its boiled,personally I found it no problem and also used beach rocks.My main centre piece rock came from the Bandon River that I fished out after walking through a field of cowsh*t!!! You can test the rocks also to see if they contain any time of hardness builders (many beach rocks will). Hydrochloric acid will tell you if they fizz up.
Personally I use the local River rocks and ensure they are rounded,but for a chilid tank the smoothness wont be as much of a problem.Also if your getting specific rocks for the chilid tank then they you may want them specific colours etc to fit in with the rest of your tank.

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10 Nov 2008 19:28 #3 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
I'll wash em and put them in the tank tonight - if I ever get out of work that is. supposed to be finished @ 17:15 - now 19:25 and have atleast another 1hr30mins left. :angry:

its the realy rought 'cream' rocks if that makes any sence.

i'll throw up a few pics later


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10 Nov 2008 19:35 #4 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Yeah those rocks are for a chilid type set up. Give them a quick boil I think in a saucepan and then pop them into the tank :)
Also make sure you spread the weight of the rock evenly,in other words dont have them lying on the bottom of the glass with nothing under it as it can cause stress factures,but at 5kg per rock,you probably wont have that problem.

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10 Nov 2008 19:41 #5 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
woooohhhoooooo, disater recovery canceled ..... on my way out the door!! :woohoo:

time me :)

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10 Nov 2008 20:41 #6 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
have the rock soaking in a nice hot bath :)

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10 Nov 2008 20:48 #7 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
An hour Dolf!
Yup a quick boil and then just pop them into the tank. Also for future reference,get your tank organised before you fill it,it makes it easier to arrange and also the rocks can effect your Ph and hardness of the water.


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10 Nov 2008 20:55 #8 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
it was muriele suggested those rocks to raise my ph slightly, if I go with chilids .... rocks bought, chilids it is

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10 Nov 2008 21:05 #9 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
She's right!

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10 Nov 2008 21:30 #10 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
Fishowner wrote:

Yeah those rocks are for a chilid type set up. Give them a quick boil I think in a saucepan and then pop them into the tank :)
Also make sure you spread the weight of the rock evenly,in other words dont have them lying on the bottom of the glass with nothing under it as it can cause stress factures,but at 5kg per rock,you probably wont have that problem.

putting them on coral sand is ok tho is it?

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10 Nov 2008 21:43 #11 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
yeah its fine. Work away !

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10 Nov 2008 21:51 #12 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
had to settle for pouring dozens of kettles of boiling water over them as I'm not allowed to use the kitchen ware :P

pics coming soon

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10 Nov 2008 22:24 - 10 Nov 2008 22:25 #13 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
Last edit: 10 Nov 2008 22:25 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters).

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10 Nov 2008 22:36 - 10 Nov 2008 22:38 #14 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Looks well Dolf.You have it coming along nicely now in fairness.
If your going for Malawi Chilids you could put in some clay pots or pipes,they provide good shelter for the fish,but again your not sure of the type of chilid yet.
For someone who has the tank up a week,its looking really well. Well done.
You planning on adding a background to the tank ?
Last edit: 10 Nov 2008 22:38 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner).

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10 Nov 2008 22:44 #15 by LimerickBandit (Donal Doran)
Looking well Dolf it’s the cleanest tank on the forum ;)
when are you ready for fish?

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10 Nov 2008 22:51 #16 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
not sure when I can add, nitrite still 0.1( has been since first read)

We decided not to put up a background, how else will the fish know where the light swith is? :)

probably wont add any more for now, apart from fish that is. feel very full at them moment.

thansk for the positive comments, lets hope it stays clean ;)

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10 Nov 2008 22:51 #17 by karlo (karlo kennedy)
very nice im well impressed not that it takes much to impress me lol but you did it

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10 Nov 2008 22:54 #18 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Your getting there,next part is the fun bit where you add the fish! Whoo hoo!

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11 Nov 2008 07:00 #19 by Loggser (Loggser)
Replied by Loggser (Loggser) on topic Re:Is this expensive? there in!
Looking good B)

Juwel Trigon 190l tank is it?
Just trying to judge the size of the 2 bigger
rock ornaments you have either side of the rocks :dry:

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11 Nov 2008 09:58 #20 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
it the 180juwel - the 2 ornaments, the taller is a bout 1ft I suppose

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11 Nov 2008 10:33 #21 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
Hey Dolf,
just a word of caution, i'd personally put the rocks on something then put the coral sand around the base of the rocks, do not just sit them on the coral sand..... why? well i did what you'd done and then put in cichlids, what i didnt know is how adept cichlids are at digging substrate up.. end result substrate dug away from in under the rocks, the rock tips over and big crack in the tank, your choice how you do it but i'd err on the side of caution. thankfully i learnt from that mistake so just passing it on

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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12 Nov 2008 19:35 #22 by Loggser (Loggser)
Replied by Loggser (Loggser) on topic Re:Is this expensive? there in!
dolf_peeters wrote:

it the 180juwel - the 2 ornaments, the taller is a bout 1ft I suppose

Cheers, GL with the tank :)

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12 Nov 2008 20:00 #23 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
sheag35 wrote:

Hey Dolf,
just a word of caution, i'd personally put the rocks on something then put the coral sand around the base of the rocks, do not just sit them on the coral sand..... why? well i did what you'd done and then put in cichlids, what i didnt know is how adept cichlids are at digging substrate up.. end result substrate dug away from in under the rocks, the rock tips over and big crack in the tank, your choice how you do it but i'd err on the side of caution. thankfully i learnt from that mistake so just passing it on

:ohmy: even when the substrate is 11/2 - 2 inches deep?

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12 Nov 2008 20:52 #24 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
Yup,they will dig through it no bother!

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13 Nov 2008 16:54 #25 by dolf_peeters (Dolf Peeters)
what do people put under their rocks to support them?


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13 Nov 2008 18:33 #26 by LimerickBandit (Donal Doran)
dolf_peeters wrote:

what do people put under their rocks to support them?


Depends on the size of the rock but any hard plastic will do, all the better if it’s from food containers (Non Toxic) ;)

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13 Nov 2008 19:13 #27 by sheag35 (Seamus Gillespie)
LB is right any food grade plastic will do to place them on, as long as its of food quality it wont affect the fish. better safe than sorry

Fishkeeping the Only way to get wet and wild

currently 25 tanks, and breeding is the aim of everything i keep

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