Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Build Plans - Advice will be needed -NOW INSTALLED

16 Dec 2014 08:30 #211 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Just looking at them now, would they not distort the lighting?

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16 Dec 2014 10:20 #212 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
You can get glass trays that fit onto sliders...they work perfect.Don't effect my T5s...I can take a pic and show you? I Dont think they'd effect leds either?"Ive never tried Leds.

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16 Dec 2014 10:23 #213 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
I've designed a lid and am getting seahorse to construct it for me :)

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16 Dec 2014 10:37 #214 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)
When you get the lid id recommend you silicone all the corners and edges to protect against water damage...the lids can bow after 12 months...ive silicone sealed mine and they worked out a treat...I'll try and find a thread that was done on it...id still recommend the condensation trays...seahorses will do them also...they should be cheap enough.

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16 Dec 2014 13:07 #215 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
If you can dig up that info, that would make interesting reading

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19 Dec 2014 16:24 - 19 Dec 2014 16:49 #217 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
thanks guys,

Read up on it and it I have the following concerns

First if its perspex then, firstly it will warp and secondly it will gather algae, and when i clean it - I'll scratch it.
But if I go with glass its heavy and hard to move around.

So I've decided to go with this design in glass

I'm going to fix the middle pain in place and then have the 4 flaps open and rest on the existing bracing.
I'll also added in holes for gas exchange and auto feeder
Last edit: 19 Dec 2014 16:49 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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20 Dec 2014 18:25 #218 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Started looking at ways to hold up the glass and stop it from slamming down, it'll weight about 3kg per panel,

So I'm thinking of them soft close toilet seat hinges. :) (3 hinges per panel)

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21 Dec 2014 10:20 #219 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Can't find any soft close hinges that are glass to glass.... :(

So maybe I need to rethink the design.
Let's widen the middle glass brace to the width of the leds, and make the 4 covers perspex. That way no light will get on the perspex.
And if the lid slams shut, there wouldn't be any breakage as perspex is so light.

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21 Dec 2014 12:13 #220 by swai (Simon)
How come you want to lift the lid? Would sliding not be better? I presume you have braces at the top of your tank. You can get length of e piece plastic and silicone to the braces and buy some opti white glass and slide across when needed. Look it up there are loads of forums with info on how to do it. Opti white glass Will let through all the light too but I heard normal glass blocks some out.

Marino, Dublin 9

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21 Dec 2014 12:17 #221 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Honestly. Didn't think of it lol

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21 Dec 2014 12:34 #222 by swai (Simon)

An example of one. Opti white should be cheap enough too, I got quoted 12 euro for 2 foot X 1 foot 6mm.

Marino, Dublin 9

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21 Dec 2014 13:20 #223 by LemonJelly (Johnny Cowley)

Honestly. Didn't think of it lol

"The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you.They're freeing your soul."

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21 Dec 2014 13:45 #224 by anthonyd (Anthony Debesne)

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01 Jan 2015 20:58 #225 by Jim (Jim Lawlor)
Really brilliant thread - DIY, fishkeeping, aquascaping - many thanks for keeping on posting.

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02 Jan 2015 13:01 #226 by Fishowner (Gavin fishowner)

You can get glass trays that fit onto sliders...they work perfect.Don't effect my T5s...I can take a pic and show you? I Dont think they'd effect leds either?"Ive never tried Leds.

Didnt think of it....yet it was suggested already!!hmmm too much xmas outtings lol

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03 Jan 2015 13:39 #227 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
I'venea rly run out of my 1 liter easy carbo, so I'm buying the 5l from aquarist.net for 58e.

Shipping is 15, said I'd ask if anyone wants to get one also. I'll be ordering tonight

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04 Jan 2015 00:04 - 04 Jan 2015 00:05 #228 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Bought :) Should last 42 weeks.
Also ordered my replacement uvc bulbs, and saw this on the lid front.
Last edit: 04 Jan 2015 00:05 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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04 Jan 2015 10:42 #229 by bart (Bart Korfanty)
U can get pvc runners for 4-6mm glass at woodworkers.ie, they are in Dublin tho

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05 Jan 2015 13:57 #230 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
thanks bart :)
I'm going to leave it with seahorse for now, I know they have rails, (they used it on my sump cover)

And I'll be going for opti white glass x 4 sheets. I'm expecting a bill for about 200 for it all.
But it may take some time to make - I'm told they are very busy at the moment.

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19 Jan 2015 12:12 #231 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
5L easy carbo arrived today - so expect a 2 week delivery,

need to 3D design the lid for seahorse - so ill do that tonight. and picked up some rednose rasboras and some threadfin rainbows.

They look awesome :)

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20 Jan 2015 09:43 #232 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)

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21 Jan 2015 00:33 - 21 Jan 2015 00:38 #233 by tetdiscus (Maritess McCarthy)

Bought :) Should last 42 weeks.
Also ordered my replacement uvc bulbs, and saw this on the lid front.

Is that fishtank made by Aquariums4life.co.uk?
Last edit: 21 Jan 2015 00:38 by tetdiscus (Maritess McCarthy).

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21 Jan 2015 10:43 #234 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
thats where i got the image from alright B)

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21 Jan 2015 19:57 #235 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Finished designing the LId in 3D for seahorse

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22 Jan 2015 00:12 #236 by Miamiheat (Stephane Lemaire)
love these 3d designs what software do you use for that?

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23 Jan 2015 14:08 #237 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
google sketchup - very easy to use.

I've used alot of 3D tools, and its by far the easiest to make up something quicky

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24 Jan 2015 11:13 - 24 Jan 2015 11:14 #238 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Good new everyone

Turns out ol Stephane was wrong again :)
Even though I thought I bought a female from him - hes actaully a male :P

and lol, there was so much going on with the tank i decided to keep track of it

poping over to seahorse in a bit to pick up some filter socks andcheck in on the lid blueprint
Last edit: 24 Jan 2015 11:14 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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24 Jan 2015 13:05 - 24 Jan 2015 13:07 #239 by tetdiscus (Maritess McCarthy)

thats where i got the image from alright B)

Aquariums4life is currently building my upgrade tank :angel:

How long will it take for seahorse to make your glass covers.? Aquariums4life will be delivering to Ireland on March 4, in case you want them to do something for your tank? :) Congratulations on your official pair of Discus!
Last edit: 24 Jan 2015 13:07 by tetdiscus (Maritess McCarthy).

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24 Jan 2015 22:45 - 24 Jan 2015 22:48 #240 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
I'mawaiting on the bill for the work and a time line from the guys in seahorse

Just an FYI guys, been dosing with Easycarbo for 2 months, so far...

No green spot algae
No bba
Alot of plants growth.

It's awesome :)

Costs a bit, but saves so much time in cleaning
Last edit: 24 Jan 2015 22:48 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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