Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

Build Plans - Advice will be needed -NOW INSTALLED

09 Aug 2013 22:34 #61 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
ok, managed to get the TMC Vecton V2 600 uv-c sterilizer, got it second hand for £23.
Not to sure what postage will be but im expecting £15-20.

Thanks for the tip pete :)

I'll collecting my ehime 300w heater for €30 tomorrow.

All thats left now is...

The tank,
The Filter Media
The cabinet.

Running Total
Lights (Rapid LED Lighting System)€340.00
BulkHeads (Imperial Measurement)€46.87
Pumping (Imperial Measurement)€120.00
Sump Pump (Ehime Compact 3000+)€115.00
Daily Auto Feeder (Ehime)€40.00
Heater (Ehime 300w)€30.00

Running Total : €691.87

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10 Aug 2013 12:49 #62 by CrustyCrab (Peter Biddulph)
Thanks for the mocha Steve.

Some ideas for filter media,
Coarse Foam, Medium Foam, Alfagrog ,Eheim Substrat Pro, Filter Floss, Purigen, Phosguard, Carbon ....

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10 Aug 2013 17:28 #63 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Thanks Pete,

I'll will be looking into that :)

Have re-jiged the design to incoperate 2 things.

+ the larger than expected 300w heater
+ I dont want the overflow stuck the back glass - makes a large ugly silcone stip when i look into the tank

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/tank v3.jpg[/img]

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/overflow catch.jpg[/img]

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/new overflow.jpg[/img]

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/new overflow2.jpg[/img]

some over flow numbers,
Overflow area is 468mm x 30mm (since i dont want the brace submerged we subtract 10mm.)
Hence 468mm x 20mm = 9360 square mm

we have 4 x 1" return pipes which totals 8108 square mm

So the pipes will easly hacdle the over flow area, and the sump will not overflow to the floor :).

Running Total
Lights (Rapid LED Lighting System)€340.00
BulkHeads (Imperial Measurement)€46.87
Pumping (Imperial Measurement)€120.00
Sump Pump (Ehime Compact 3000+)€115.00
Daily Auto Feeder (Ehime)€40.00
Heater (Ehime 300w)€30.00
UV-C (TMC Vecton V2 600)€61.27

Running Total : €753.14

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11 Aug 2013 11:05 - 11 Aug 2013 11:12 #64 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Pete, looks like ill go with the Purigen instead of the actived cabon :) :cool: thanks for the tip.

Other than that,
Just expanded the filter chambers in the sump and added a nursery.

The return pipes will now go the nursey and overflow into the sump.

Think that its for the design now. Anyone see any problems with it?

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/complete 1.jpg[/img]

[img]http://www.stephen-walsh.com/misc_hosting_files/fish/complete 2.jpg[/img]
Last edit: 11 Aug 2013 11:12 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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11 Aug 2013 11:12 #65 by LemonJelly (Johnny Cowley)
What I want to know is why is that guy always looking at his watch? :crazy:

"The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you.They're freeing your soul."

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11 Aug 2013 11:13 #66 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
because there is no fish in the tank, what else is he going to do????

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11 Aug 2013 11:26 #67 by CrustyCrab (Peter Biddulph)
Time for another coffee??????????????????????????? :lol:

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11 Aug 2013 12:07 #68 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
i swear you have a mocha problem, :whistle:

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11 Aug 2013 13:23 #69 by CrustyCrab (Peter Biddulph)
...... meetings twice a week at Mocha Anonymous :woohoo: Down to 3 pints a day now

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22 Aug 2013 08:20 #70 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Got my UV-C filter system, a lot bigger than expected but awesome system.
Took it apart and gave it a clean.

and hooked it up to my current tank to see how it preforms :)

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05 Sep 2013 17:22 #71 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Was very impressed with how clean and clear the tank got after a week of use.

But I'm still waiting on the deeds to the new house but said I'll give making the sump ago.

Deceided to use one long tank rather than 2smaller ones so I picked up a 1200 x 300 x 370mm tank to play aaround with.

Watch this space :D

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05 Sep 2013 22:00 #72 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Actually I've been thinking of using a section of the sump for growing brine shrimp. Anyone any ideas on how to do this. (seems it's a fresh water tank)

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05 Sep 2013 22:52 #73 by CrustyCrab (Peter Biddulph)
Have a look at this.
sheag35 has a few of these on the go. Contact him for more info.

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07 Sep 2013 22:02 #74 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Well after some thought I decided to leave the sump making to the expert's, , I'll just wait and get it done right. :D

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08 Sep 2013 21:50 #75 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
sump cleaned,

and designed

Running Total
Lights (Rapid LED Lighting System)€340.00
BulkHeads (Imperial Measurement)€46.87
Pumping (Imperial Measurement)€120.00
Sump Pump (Ehime Compact 3000+)€115.00
Daily Auto Feeder (Ehime)€40.00
Heater (Ehime 300w)€30.00
UV-C (TMC Vecton V2 600)€61.27
Sump Shell (4ft clear seal tank€50.00

Running Total : €803.14

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15 Oct 2013 10:38 #76 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
bit of a while since I updated this, but im still fighting to the the contracts for the new house....
Anyway completed the stand and sump and tank

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31 Oct 2013 20:09 #77 by Mr B (C B)
This is a really great project you're at. I've been thinking of doing something the same but it's really difficult to estimate costs etc. so its great to follow someone actually doing it. May the Force be with you!

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04 Nov 2013 20:09 - 04 Nov 2013 20:10 #78 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Thanks Mr .B

well we're still waiting to sign the contract on the house so i haven't given the go-head on the tank construction yet. (3 months later..... :angry: )

But hopefully we'll get that sorted soon.

But I have converted my existing tank into a green house for the plants I need for the new tank.

Many thanks to neriusad for the sale
so plants 20 euro
2nd 300 watt heater for 15

Running Total
Lights (Rapid LED Lighting System)€340.00
BulkHeads (Imperial Measurement)€46.87
Pumping (Imperial Measurement)€120.00
Sump Pump (Ehime Compact 3000+)€115.00
Daily Auto Feeder (Ehime)€40.00
Heater (Ehime 300w)€30.00
UV-C (TMC Vecton V2 600)€61.27
Sump Shell (4ft clear seal tank€50.00
2nd Heater (Ehime 300w)€15.00
Countless Staurogyne repens€20.00

Running Total : €838.14
Last edit: 04 Nov 2013 20:10 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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20 Nov 2013 12:59 #79 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
still haven't signed the contracts on the new house....
(15 weeks later ...)

this project has completely stalled until I get the feckers to pull their figure out.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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28 Nov 2013 21:28 #80 by Mr B (C B)
Once again Darkslice, I'm loving this project, fair play to ya. Tell those buyers that there's a whole forum of very impatient fishkeepers waiting on them. Anyone got Tony Sopranos number?

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28 Nov 2013 22:04 #81 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Thanks B,

Just more annoying than anything else... Nealy been 4 months!

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22 Jan 2014 11:53 #82 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
well nearly 6 months in, and MAYBE might be moving this weekend.

Next step is to check that the floor can take the weight :)

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23 Jan 2014 18:11 - 23 Jan 2014 18:17 #83 by Redser (Richard)
I am building a tank stand currently for my new setup, and I am guessing the total weight of my tank incl. water, substrate, rocks etc will be about 200 stone (had to go to online converter to figure out what that was).

Anyhow I suggest you build your stand frame using 2" X 4" wood and then clad the frame in pine and you will not have any problems.

This is the design of base unit I followed.
Last edit: 23 Jan 2014 18:17 by Redser (Richard). Reason: Picture did not show

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23 Jan 2014 20:13 - 23 Jan 2014 20:13 #84 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
thanks Red,

Not to worried about the stand holding up the tank (about 200 stone also) more worried about the floor not collasping.
Works out at nearly 150 pounds of pressure per square foot
Last edit: 23 Jan 2014 20:13 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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24 Jan 2014 21:29 #85 by Redser (Richard)
That's the great thing about the stand frame system, at least the weight is evenly distributed over the whole area of the stand. If the house is a modern build (in the last 20 yrs) it probably has a concrete floor which should be no problem. A suggestion I saw on the forum previously was to locate your tank against an external wall or a supporting wall as the floor seems to be stronger near these walls.

Meant to say in last reply your work so far is seriously impressive, an your attention to detail is to be commended.

I have a question about your sump if you don't mind.
Why do you have so many dividers in it and what do you intend putting in it?


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24 Jan 2014 22:07 - 24 Jan 2014 22:16 #86 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Many thanks red, I'll be taking a floor board up soon to have a look at the support. But it will be placed beside 2 supporting walls :)

If you look closely at the last pic, I changed the many chambers to just 3 - based on some feedback from seahorse aquariums :)

O by the way, GOT THE KEYS TO MY NEW HOUSE!!! Only took 6 months!
Last edit: 24 Jan 2014 22:16 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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25 Jan 2014 22:23 #87 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
Concrete floor. :) yay it should have no trouble taking a 1.3 ton tank :P

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26 Jan 2014 19:51 #88 by Redser (Richard)
Let me congratulate you on your new home!!

Fantastic that it has concrete floor 1 less worry :P

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27 Jan 2014 10:14 - 07 Feb 2014 12:11 #89 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
feck it,

After completing the drawing, the 7ft'er just isnt going to work - to much surface area covered by the radiator.
I've been force to shrink it to a 5ft. well - makes it easyier to maintain now.

Just waiting on a call back from seahorse to start the build for me

Last edit: 07 Feb 2014 12:11 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh).

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07 Feb 2014 12:18 #90 by Darkslice (Stephen Walsh)
damn did an edit instead of a reply :/

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