Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)
John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.
I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.
With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.
I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.
If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.
I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.
I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.
Thank you
Darragh Sherwin
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I am sure Bart will finish it soon, I have heard he is quite busy these days
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- robert (robert carter)
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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There will be fish this weekend. Water test done by SH showed 8.1 ph 0 ammonia 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite but 0.2 PO4 so once reactor is running hopefully tomorrow it will sort that out.
Put in a tester snail this evening to make sure it survives the night then it will be all hands getting ready for the move this weekend

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- Lakes1985 (David Ward)
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Went along today and moved around my powerhead control units, repositioned and turned on skimmer again so thats running quite well now, whill still need a couple of days to settle but looks good.
Built and piped my reactors today, going to test in the morning after work for leaks and the like before putting it in the sump but looked good. Sump is starting to look abit crowded. Still have the auto topup to go in.
Once i have everything up and running i will spend a couple of weeks finding out the best way to wire and keep my flexi piping under the tank to make it easy to change media and the like.
Put in first bag of copepods today as well with the powerheads and return off. Looked so lovely and pink floating around under the lights

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- robert (robert carter)
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- jeff (Jeff Scully)
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Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.
A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Skimmer running, reactors running, initial clean up crew gone in. With 5 bags of copepods lol. Have to seed the thank now wanna keep mandarins.
Put in some canary wrasse at the start yesterday and put in my two snowflake clowns today. That's the stocking level for the next while until SH get more inverts in next week or the week after.
Still have to hang the lights, they are currently sitting on the glass but everything looks good.
Will put up pica soon of the build. Well of what photos I do have. Haven't had much time to work on it lately and my wiring is a mess lol.
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- Lakes1985 (David Ward)
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- carlowchris (chris)
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I've seen lots for sale before from a company in England fairly cheap too...only about 20 pound. ....
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Going to try and put lights on today and I'll try and get some pics up tonight.
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- carlowchris (chris)
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Was thinking about getting one myself ...from the instructions it looks fairly he'll of a saving instead of buying little packs from sh.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Had a look at the cultures, and read through their way of keeping it going, look pretty easy, and if you got a couple of runs outta it it would be far less than buying the packs in SH, might even sell them to galway as they never feckin have any lol.
Think i might have a good once the temp outside settles down and might run a few cultures in my extension as ill have the room there to set them up, maybe run an airline into a few of them from the one pump and see how good they work. try out a couple of different ways in each of the cultures.
MAD SCIENTIST TIME LOL. . . . . . hehehehehe
Got nothing else done with my tank, current residence is :
2 snowflake clowns
4 canary wrasse
10 turbo snails
5 ceriths (so far)
2 trochus snails
4 red leg hermits
1 large emerald crab
2 fighting conch
the reason its not higher is because Galway SH doesnt have any more. I totally done them out of cerith, turbos and red hermits lol. been asking for weeks for them to get mroe to no avail, ringing dublin in the morning.
I have algae starting to grow everywhere now so hoping to get more cleanup crew by friday if dublin will delivery, but i heard someone tell me they starting online ordering as of this week

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- jeff (Jeff Scully)
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What's ur no3 and po4 at
How long you running lights for
A huge clean up crew is not needed for a new set up in fact over doing it especially snails can make you go backwards as they produce a lot of waste and a new system can't cope with that
Your stock is fine but stay with that for a good while until you can 100% control no3 po4 to the point that it's completely stable and you know how to control it if it raises ever so slightly cause this is ur future goal to succeed keeping these two down to minimum long term ,it's the foundation of any reef aquarium or fish only system
Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.
A life making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing at all.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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feeling alot better now. Have had NO3 at 0 for about a week and a half and my PO4 2 weeks ago was at 0.2 and now its under 0.1, wasnt running reactors until last week so doing more tests during the week as LFS has not a mimic tang in that looks lovely and my misses wants it, and she wants it now lol. its only a baby so hopefully it will be fine lol.
everything has been low since i put my first cleanup crew into it, ill give a full water test post as soon as i do one.
Here is what my misses wants to put in, all babies going into the tank to help with aggression levels

1 Mimic tang
2 Royal Blue Tang
1 Yellow
1 Kole Tang
1 Cleaner wrasse
4 canary wrasse
2 snowflake clowns
1 Coral Beauty (i think thats the fish she picked lol)
and maybe some other wrasse she has her eyes on cant remember the name, some sort of red fairy wrasse.
then plus all the normal cleanup guys.
The above will be put in in a gradual basis because the Kole is definately going to take awhile to get ordered, he will be put in with the yellow tang as the mimic will be in already.
fairy wrasse will be another while after that before they go in.
I am planning a 100l a week water change for the first few months, just to make sure the tank stays pretty stable and using stability dose weekly as well.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Tank is going great, glued in all corals with only a few heads lost on a frogspawn after all the hastle of moving everything. May have lost a head of a cats paw but it seams to be recovering.
Current stocking is as follows :
1 Yellow Mimc Tang
1 eibli mimic tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Square Back Anthias
4 Sold as Canary Wrasse but think they are banana wrasse as one is changing colour
2 snowflake clowns
1 cleaner wrasse
2 royal blue tangs
All the clean up crew you can shake a stick at :
There is one last fish going to be added, a Mimic Lemon Peel Tang otherwise known as a chocolate tang.
Here is a pic of the tank with corals and fish just before feeding, loads of differnet corals, will try and put up an extensive list soon. Includes,
2 frogspawns
2 cats paws
birds nests
star polyps
green slimers
and a few more, will be fragging fast grows to keep them as nice looking and to keep the flow in the tank so if anyone likes anything let me know and ill let them know when things are ready to frag.
Other than that, all water parameters are good, doing weekly 100l water changes and dosing stability once a week.
Going changing the RW20's to smaller versions i got from the other tnak i bought, as i think that could be one of the reasons i lost heads on my frogspawn.
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- Lakes1985 (David Ward)
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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I'd be interested in some duncan coral whenever your fragging
The duncans i have had for a about a year, they werent very healty when i got them then but i now have 11 main heads on about 6 branches with about 12 new heads coming out of the branches.
It still needs to be glued in somewhere in the tank (its only resting where it is in the pic). It takes a long time for them to grow so it would be about a year i'd say before i start fragging it. Sooner if since its in a bigger tank it could just start growing like crazy, seams really happy in the new tank tho.
Thanks everyone else. Ill put up some pictures of everything up close soon. my misses has been going camera mad as shes photo logging the mimic tangs growing up so you can see the changes until they change their colours to full adults.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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- carlowchris (chris)
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I've heard they need very precise target feeding. I. Ya have to make sure ya get every polyp.....true??
There a lovely coral.
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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Target feeding them every couple of days after tank is fed but they say you dont actuallu have to as long as you put coral food in the tank. They are a particle feeder and a large piece feeder as well. Keeping them well fed means that they will grow very very quickly. On my yellow i have about 8 new heads appearing and about 4 on the orange.
I got them in a new tank. They were in seahorse in galway, they still have a yellow one in there as far as i know, came from a tank in Galway and have been in there for awhile.
Since they dont need light at all they are a great addition to a tank as they can be placed anywhere but get very annoyed when moved. If you dont get polyp extension they will die within a few days. Im struggling with the orange one.
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- Lakes1985 (David Ward)
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I'd be interested in some duncan coral whenever your fragging
The duncans i have had for a about a year, they werent very healty when i got them then but i now have 11 main heads on about 6 branches with about 12 new heads coming out of the branches.
It still needs to be glued in somewhere in the tank (its only resting where it is in the pic). It takes a long time for them to grow so it would be about a year i'd say before i start fragging it. Sooner if since its in a bigger tank it could just start growing like crazy, seams really happy in the new tank tho.
Thanks everyone else. Ill put up some pictures of everything up close soon. my misses has been going camera mad as shes photo logging the mimic tangs growing up so you can see the changes until they change their colours to full adults.
Let me know what you are fragging, just looking for something not to hard to keep and with a bit of colour, preferably not green as iv so much green already,
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- Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
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