Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

New Build

13 Jun 2016 01:40 #61 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
During the weekend i went along to SH due to them having a 50% SPS LPS sale on.

Of course i bought some stuff and boy was i happy.

Pics to follow soon as i currently using my good camera to get good photos and my laptop has been playing up so unable to upload.

I bought a white acro type thing, forgot the name but hopefully ill get an ID when i post a pic, it also includes a red crab that lives inside, goes with the other one i have that has a white crab inside it.

Bought something else that i have no idea what it was just looked cool lol.

Now the main thing i bought was because they didnt add it to the list of things that were not on the offer and the boss down here was gutted that he didnt tell me it wasn't part of the offer. I Bought a love Elegance coral for only 62 euro :)

Cant wait to show you guys some photos as im really happy with what i picked up.

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13 Jun 2016 07:49 #62 by robert (robert carter)
Replied by robert (robert carter) on topic New Build
sounds like you had a great day

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13 Jun 2016 18:33 #63 by carlowchris (chris)
Replied by carlowchris (chris) on topic New Build
Sounds cool. B) ...is that a gal crab inside those corals?????

Done a little reading up on those a while ago...fairly cool little fellas....the can actually control there size dependent on the size of thecoral the live in

Looks like I need to get to seahorse before the offer runs out :P

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13 Jun 2016 20:46 #64 by Lakes1985 (David Ward)
Replied by Lakes1985 (David Ward) on topic New Build
Get up some pics ya poxy fecker getting the elegance for that price :) if ya fell out a windows you'd go up :cheer:

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13 Jun 2016 22:28 #65 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
I did have a great day lol.

I think thats what he called him but i couldnt find him in the coral today so i hope he hasnt died :( He was quite big compared to the size of coral and was a lovely red colour.

Offer is going till friday so you still got some time :) Just remember the reason why they have this offer is to make room as Australia coral season starts at the end of the month so some good stuff will be arriving soon too.

Ill have pics soon enough lol. I might have one or two on my phone will look now.

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13 Jun 2016 22:33 #66 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Ok this is the only new pic i have. My yellow sun coral. I use a proper camera to take pics of the tank for better movement quality rather than my phone, even tho i have a Z3.


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13 Jun 2016 23:02 #67 by Lakes1985 (David Ward)
Replied by Lakes1985 (David Ward) on topic New Build
That's very nice

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15 Jun 2016 07:44 #68 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Came home after work to find out my return pump has kicked the bucket. Running a 3000l an hour backup now until I can find the money to buy a new one.

Any recommendations? Tank is 5ftx2x2

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15 Jun 2016 07:58 #69 by robert (robert carter)
Replied by robert (robert carter) on topic New Build
hi , I am ruuning a blau 3000 litre an hour in my new coldwater sump ,find it totally silent and love the flow adjustment controller allows 1% adjustments , came from seahorse , sure they do bigger ones ,mind was 119.99 euro

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15 Jun 2016 09:53 - 15 Jun 2016 09:54 #70 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Replied by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez) on topic New Build

For a 5ft tank I find 3000 lph to be quite small. You will be surprised how much flow actually makes it to the tank, I would say around 1500-2000 lph max.

In a marine tank you probably want to aim for at least a 6000 lph pump. 9000 would be better as you run the pump at a lower rate which means less noise.

For a tank your size I would say you want probably 3000-4500 lph through the sump, depending on your skimmer.

Blau pumps are good, I have a 3k and a 12k as my return, but they are not cheap, around 220 euro for the 12k, I think the 9k is around 180
Last edit: 15 Jun 2016 09:54 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez).

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15 Jun 2016 15:28 #71 by carlowchris (chris)
Replied by carlowchris (chris) on topic New Build
I'd have to say go for the blah too.....I've one on my skimmer and another on a reactor and they do a very good job...

The 1% controlably is good and you can also hook up float switches to say turn off your skimmer if the cup gets too full or if the water level in the sump gets too low it could turn off the return pump...fairly usefully for some people.

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15 Jun 2016 16:45 #72 by robert (robert carter)
Replied by robert (robert carter) on topic New Build
I run a low level float switch on my pump , very simple to set

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16 Jun 2016 05:29 #73 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Well I went down yesterday and bought myself a 9000l an hour blau. Running it so far at 65% and alot quite than the waveline 6000 that was in it.

No losses on 8hrs of no sump running so I'm happy out.

Found my red crab that used to live in my new coral. He has moved up in the world to the penthouse milka lol. He's already started to make polyps that never came out come out so I'm happy. Ill try and get a pic of him some day soon.

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16 Jun 2016 07:13 #74 by robert (robert carter)
Replied by robert (robert carter) on topic New Build
Glad you didnt have any problems after the pump going dowm . I find the blau pumps great very quiiet. I have a spare pump for my set up a jecob 4000 but its not as controllable as the blau but would be ok as a back up

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16 Jun 2016 16:06 #75 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Replied by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez) on topic New Build
You are lucky, I have seen tanks lose dozens of fish after a night without power!

The blau is a great pump and like Robert said, you might want to invest in the water sensor as well in case your sump runs out of water!!

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20 Jun 2016 22:29 #76 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Quick update for you all,

Tank is going great, new 3ft tank is filled and cycling as we speak since thursday so hopefully will be ready soon as SH are getting annoyed i have so many fish on hold down there lol.

I picked up my Chocolate Mimic Tang during the weekend and hes settling down nicely, a little aggression from the other tangs but that all settled after the first 24hrs.

All water parameters are stable, just KH went down abit. Done a 100l water change today so everything is better now.

Once the new tank is ready the inhabitants of the M90 will be moving themselves over and i have 3 tangs choosen for the tank, Powder Blue, Naso and orange shoulder :)

Will post pics soon of everything :)

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12 Jul 2016 00:03 #77 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Update time,

Big tank, is all good. Water parameters are perfect, still a little bit lower in KH than what i wanted but it is going well. Little bit of cyano coming out in a rock to the front under one of my Milka's but hopefully it wont get too bad.

All fish is this tank are getting on great. The Coral Beauty seams to have calmed down now since he cant actually expect to win against my Lemon Peel/Chocolate Mimic tang. All corals are growing nicely too and i haev added in a lovely pink goniopora.

Other tank,

Cycled well and have fish in the tank for about 2 weeks now. The Powder Blue and the Naso are great friends but im sorry to say the Orange shoulder tang just wanted to be the boss in the tank and didnt stand a chance against the Powder.

Everything was fine for the first 9 days then all of a sudden the Orange shoulder started having a quick flick and the powder blue every now and again.

After another 24 hours they had a massive fight in the middle of the tank, with the Naso looking on probably laughing at the orange shoulder, and the powder blue pushed the orange into the rock and he never really came out.

He stayed in there for about 2 days but the way i have my rock, he was still able to get food where he was. On saturday i came home from town to find he was well beaten and a few stab wounds. From the positioning of them and some looked older that others he wasnt good even before their last fight.

Before you all ask, i would have had to dismantle the tank to be able to get the orange shoulder out as he was hiding right at the bottom of the rock and wouldnt come out for love nor nori :)

Other than that, here is the list of whats in new tank

Orange Naso Tang
Powder Blue tang
Breeding pair of bangii cardinals
Banana Wrasse
royal gramma
cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp

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12 Jul 2016 00:14 #78 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
5 FT Tank

3Ft Tank

Both together :)

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12 Jul 2016 11:01 #79 by carlowchris (chris)
Replied by carlowchris (chris) on topic New Build
Very nice :whistle:

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12 Jul 2016 11:30 #80 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Replied by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez) on topic New Build
Hey man

Looks great, bit tight between the two tanks lol

I love power blues, but they tend to be the most aggressive tang in the tank and they will take no shi... from others.

I was gonna put a white cheek with my achilles but after a bit of research I decided against.

Tangs have their own personality and this will change with time. So I am a bit worries that my tangs, who seem to get all along now might not get along in a few months/years. Sure time will tell.

In regards catching the sick tang well, its all a matter of evaluating whats best for all fish. Moving rocks etc would have created stress on the other fish and we all know how sensitive power blues are so I think you made the right choice

keep the pics coming!

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12 Jul 2016 19:01 #81 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Getting abit worried about the naso now, himself and the powder are fighting abit and the naso is refusing to eat.

No nori, pellets brine, mysis, roffers, just staring at a group of rocks. Placed some nori on the rock now to see if I can get him to eat something.

Other than that all is good. Need to learn to post pics from my phone to make things easier. Ill take some tonight and post them in work.

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12 Jul 2016 19:14 #82 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)

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12 Jul 2016 19:14 #83 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)

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12 Jul 2016 19:15 #84 by Lakes1985 (David Ward)
Replied by Lakes1985 (David Ward) on topic New Build
Corals are amazing B)

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12 Jul 2016 19:16 #85 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)

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12 Jul 2016 19:18 #86 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
In the last 2 pics if you look real close you will see the crabs that are hosting in the milka and the acro.

There is a red clawed crab bottom middle in the milka, 2nd last pic and a white clawed crab dead center of last picture.

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12 Jul 2016 20:24 #87 by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez)
Replied by Bohrio (Alex Rodriguez) on topic New Build
I have very little experience with Nasos, I bought one who was bullied by a damsel to his death. He stopped eating and starting staring at the sand. Next day he was being eaten by the elegance.

I think they are very sensitive fish and hate confrontation

hopefully it will go back to normal after a while

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12 Jul 2016 21:22 #88 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Well hes kinda acting the way yours did. Might have a look at seeing if i could put him in the 5ft so he would have more room but there are already a few tangs in there but nothing is aggressive except for the coral beauty.

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12 Jul 2016 21:54 #89 by Sukahn (Shane Doorley)
Replied by Sukahn (Shane Doorley) on topic New Build
Well im in work now and my misses informs be that the naso and powder are having a royal rumble in my tank as we speak. Got her to turn off lights, hopefully the naso will survive till morning.

Powder is the one causing the aggression so thinking of removing him completely now, even tho he is a lovely fish to have. He could have been the one that killed the orange shoulder.

Will keep you all updated

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12 Jul 2016 22:10 #90 by Lakes1985 (David Ward)
Replied by Lakes1985 (David Ward) on topic New Build
Hope there all ok in the morning

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